Chapter 4

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"All right, everyone found a partner? Then, begin the sit ups." Shoya didn't have a partner. Neither did Y/n.

"All right, let's just get this over with...." Y/n said, avoiding looking at Shoya. Shoya didn't respond. He turned around and walked away. Everyone stopped their pushups and looked at Shoya walking away. "My stomach hurts, so I'm gonna sit this one out." The teacher began after him. "Don't you run off Ishida!" Shoya turned around. "Eek!" He began to pick up the pace until he was in a full sprint. "Hold it right there mister!" Shoya glanced at the full grown man that was chasing after him. "It really hurts! I mean it!!" Shoya ran out of the building and hopped onto the fence. He lifted one foot after another, carefully placing each one in a hole in the fence. His hands gripped onto the gaps. "I'm going to the nurse's office!!" The teacher slowly stopped. "That's the road, Ishida!!!!!!" 

- - - 

Shoya sat with his hand against his cheek. Kazuki and Keisuke looked at each other and remarked, "Somethin' smells like cigarettes. Maybe Shoya's rebelling?" Shoya stood up, pushing his chair out the way. He turned his body and arched his back. "I DON'T SMOKE!" Shoya yelled at the top of his lungs. The two boys turned their heads and laughed. "Woah! He snapped! How scary!" 

Shoko went to get her shoes. They were filled with plants. Shoya walked up beside her to get his own shoes. Instead of being met with shoes filled with plants, his shoes  weren't even there.

It wasn't just his shoes that were gone though, so was his chair. "WAH!!!" Kazuki yelled into his ears with a rolled up piece of paper. Shoya's head was pushed forward from the weight of the sound pressing against his head.

- - - 

Shoya's mother approached the table. "You lost your shoes again?" Shoya crossed his arms while leaning back in his chair. "I lost em' in the river." Shoya's mother pulled out a chair from the dining table and sat down, next to his sister, who was sitting right aross from him. "Do you want me to talk to your teacher?" Shoya looked up. "About what?" His mother looked him in the eyes. "About your shoes..." Shoya's eyes widened. "I told you I lost em' in the river!" 

"Can I talk to you for a minute, Ishida?" The teacher looked down at him. "I hear you've lost  a lost of shoes lately." Shoya looked up panicked. "Yeah, that's right, sensei! Every time I get a new pair, it goes missing! I'm on my eighth pair now! You gotta do something about this sensei!" The teacher titled his head and looked at Shoya with unforgiving eyes. "Stop lying, tell me the truth." Shoya's mouth hung open. "I-I'm not lying, sensei! It's gotta be Shima and Hirose! They're always messing with me..." The teacher continued to stare. "That's right. Those two just told me you suspected them of doing it." Shoya's face fell into pieces. "'s true that my shoes keep disappearing!!"  The teacher raised his hand and uses his finger to adjust his glasses. "I see. Then let's pretend that those two are stealing your shoes. Let's pretend it's the truth. You're still the one who started it, aren't you? What right does the boy who bullied a deaf girl have to judge his friends? I did warn you, didn't I? Over and over and over again... that this is your responsibility." 

- - - 

Shoya put a pair of shoes in his place and proceeded to quickly run and hide behind the corner of the classroom entrance. I'll settle this on my own he tought. That's when Nishimiya and Y/n walked in. Y/n put the flowers down. Nishimya saw Shoya's desk and pulled out a cloth from the side pocket of her backpack. "I'll see ya later Shoko." He waved goodbye. Shoko began to scrub the words off his desk. Shoya walked out of the classroom and spotted Y/n. "Oh... uh... hey." Y/n said. Shoya looked blankly at him. Out of the corner of his eye, Shoya spotted Kazuki and Keisuke put his shoes in the trash. He turned around and sprinted towards them. "Oh. He found us." Shoya came sprinting at them with full force. " I KNEW IT WAS YOU, YOU JERKS!!


"Ahh... I hurt my shoulder...." Kazuki walked off holding his bruised shoulder. The two boys(kazuki and keisuke) walked off. "Let's tell on Shoya." Kazuki proposed. Shoya laid out on the floor with a bloodied nose and a bruised face. Shimida, you piece of shit. Hirose, you piece of shit. You piece of shit, that's what you're really thinking too, right, Nishimiya? I can hear it now, Ishida you piece of shit. Serves you right, Ishida! DIE!DIE! DIE ISHIDA! You bastard! 

Shoya stood up and walked back into the classroom to see his desk cleared and a Nishimiya holding a cloth in both hands. "Whadda ya think you're doing? Friggin' goody two shoes..." Shoya's eyes squinted and his eyebrowed arched. Creases formed on his forehead and between his eyes. He gritted his teeth. "There's that face again..." Shoya Kicked Shoko in the shins. "If you got something to say, then say it!!" He grabbed her and threw her around. "You're such a coward! You stay quiet and act weak to get the teachers on your side!!" He yelled. "Have you ever once said how you really feel deep down in you gut?!!!" Shoko bit Shoya's writst. "Ahh! What was that for?!!" Shoya punched Nshimiya. Shoko screamed and screamed. "I'b doig nah besd I gan!!!!!" The two wrestled on the floor and continued to fight. The doors of the classroom opened. Yua stepped in.

"What the hell....." Her fists scrunched up and so did her face. She marched up the Shoya. He stood in place. She grabbed he back and threw up off of Nishmiya. "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" She screamed in his face, the spit landing on his face reminding him that he just beat up a helpless deaf girl. Tears found their way to his eyes as he realized that he had been the stupidest one of all.

- - - 

A month later, she...quietly vanished. 

Shoya stood with his hands in his pockets. His head leaned down and his eyes drifted to his desk. The same writing as before. Die! We don't want bullies! Realized we hate you already?! Die, baldo! You should jump off a buidling today, I bet it'd feel good! - Signed, the whole class. The bell rang and the students found their seats. This time, there was no one to clean his desk. 

Y/n looked at his former friend. Would he clean off Shoya's desk? No. In fact, he wouldn't do anything. He isolated himself. The only time he talked was when he had to. During the middle school entrance ceremony, Shimida told everyone how much of a bully Shoya was, and that Y/n was best friends with him. Y/n's former classmates hated him for trying to stop them from bullying the deaf girl who had only sat a few desks away from him. They had nothing on Yua, because although she was Shoko's guardian, she was nice and pretty. So, Y/n became their outlet of frustration. Y/n became alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone.

- - - 

A/n's note: Yep, I know the story sucks.

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