"Well that is on the surface. If you look deeper, there a lot of similarities" I say timidly.

"Nevertheless, I am glad you are there for him. He has been going through a lot and you seem to lift his spirits right back up."

What is she trying to do here? Did she just stop me to talk about Sebastian?

"I am glad I can cheer him up. Speaking of which, I should probably go. Sebastian is waiting for me."

"Oh! No worries. I will walk with you. I promise I stopped you for a reason."

Natty and I start to walk to the Slytherin common room. I can practically see the gears turning in Natty's head. I cannot handle the pressure of not knowing what she is going to say next.

"Look Natty-"

Natty stops in her steps and blurts out, "Look Sebastian comes off like a tough confident guy, but he is dealing with a lot and the last thing I want is for him to get hurt. When he cares about someone he puts his whole heart into that person, which puts him in a vulnerable position. So if you like him, you cannot play any games. He cannot handle that Y/n."

I step back a bit in shock. I would never hurt Sebastian, the opposite actually! I want to take all his pain away and make him happy. If I could make him happy then I would never leave his side.

At first I am a little offended at what Natty is insinuating, but I realize she is trying to protect her friend. It is honorable actually. Natty is a caring person and her friends are lucky to have her protecting their heart.

"Natty I would never hurt Sebastian. That comfort I give him, is the same comfort he provides for me. I know it may seem daft because I have only been here for a few day, but I do care deeply about him."

Natty lets out a sigh of relief before speaking again. "Ok. I am sorry. I didn't mean to come off rude, I just care deeply about him and I do not think he can handle another heartbreak."

Natty and I continue to walk to the Slytherin common room entrance. We stop at the door. I turn to Natty and smile before I walk in.

Natty smiles back and whispers, "You know you two would make a pretty cute couple. You two already look like one with him always sticking by your side and putting his arm around you."

I start to blush at the idea. We weren't acting like a couple, Sebastian is just friendly.

I laugh at her comment, "I don't know about that. He is just friendly and helping around Hogwarts."

"Is that what you think?" Natty scoffs. "Like I said, I have known Sebastian since third year. He isn't typically like that. I think he fancies you."

I hold my breath when I hear those words. It felt like my heart stopped beating in that moment. Natty would know if he does. Maybe he has said something to her and she is trying to see how I feel. As childish as it seems, maybe if I tell Natty how I feel she will tell him and he will make a move.

"I don't know if he does, but it would be nice if he did. I would be lying if I said I didn't have feelings for him."

A large grin forms on Natty lips like she knows something. "Well then I will not keep you any longer from your Prince Charming. Thank you for indulging me Y/n. I will see you in Charms tomorrow."

Undying Devotion | Sebastian SallowWhere stories live. Discover now