Chapter 10

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Y/N's Perspective

Today has been nothing short of a fairytale. Every encounter I have had with Sebastian Sallow has been perfect. The way his gentle touches turned into firm and assertive ones as I teased him made me melt in his muscular arms.

Feeling his body against mine was something I could never get enough of. When I woke up in the morning I felt his strong arms wrapped around me, holding me close to him. My face was buried in his defined chest. His tight chest was warm against my cheek.

His jaw is sharp and defined as he clenched it when Garreth Weasley tried to flirt with me in potions class. It was hard to focus on the confident redhead Gryffindor when Sebastian was sitting next me, body tense and jaw clenched.

Sebastian is a god-like man. He is gorgeous. How I am able to stay calm and talk around him is a minor miracle. The way he was acting today made it even harder to function.

He was whispering in my ear and holding on to my bum in Herbology, then in potions he held my bum on his crotch. I wanted to see if I could get a reaction out of him by rolling my hips on him a little bit. When I looked out of the corner of my eye I saw his head back as he bit his lip.

I felt triumphant in that moment. But a new concern arose that made my heart sink. Does Sebastian like me or does he just want to sleep with me? I need to calm down with the lustful glances so he knows I am not just looking for sex.

Sebastian and I walk out of potions together, his arm drapes over my shoulders again. As we walk through Central Hall together, I hear a sweet voice call out my name. I turn around to see Natty running up to us.

"Hey Natty!" I say enthusiastically.

"Thank goodness I caught up to you two! You guys walk so fast" she responds in short breath.

Sebastian takes his arm off my shoulders. "I will let you two ladies talk. Y/n I will be waiting for you in the common room. See you soon darling."

My cheeks turn bright red as he walks away smirking. I stare at him has he confidently strides out of the building. He pushes the doors open and I turn back to Natty. Her smile is wide like she knows I am admiring her friend.

"So you and Sebastian seem quite close."

I know my obvious stare is giving me away, but I do not want to just blurt out that I fancy him. I have only been here a few days, I will seem mad for developing a crush on a guy already.

"Yeah! He is quite pleasant to be around and he has been very nice helping me get adjusted to life at Hogwarts."

"Sebastian is not usually so open to people. It took him awhile just to talk to me when I first came to Hogwarts. I have to say I am impressed" Natty smirks.

Why was I different? The first day we met, he opened up about his sister and his parents. He cannot be that closed off if he was willing to share that information. Maybe he doesn't just want to sleep with me, maybe he actually likes me.

"Him and I think a lot of alike. Maybe that is why he likes hanging around me."

Natty laughs, "I know Sebastian and just from what I have seen from you, I can tell you that on the surface you two are nothing alike."

Undying Devotion | Sebastian SallowΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα