Chapter Thirty-Six

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It has been a couple of days. Avery has not left her room at all. Owen has spoken with Avery's psychiatrist and they've agreed to admit Avery in a couple of days. Avery, despite admitting to Jason that she knew she slipped, doesn't like this. So she comes up with a plan. She tells Owen that she's going to see Jason before she gets admitted but that's not where she's going. Avery has packed a backpack with some clothes. Since she last ran away, Owen has kept hold of her passport in the safe so she walks into his room, finds the safe and tries to guess the combination. After a few tries, the safe successfully opens. She takes her passport out and places it in her pocket before taking the bracelet T.K. got her off and putting it where the passport was before closing the safe and returning to her room. She places the passport in her bag before zipping it up, placing it on her shoulder and leaving and heading to the airport.

On her way to the airport, Avery stops by Megan's place. She takes the necklace that Megan had got for her out of her pocket and places it on the door handle before hurrying away in case she gets caught.

A few hours later, Megan is arriving home with groceries. As she looks up from finding the right key, she sees the necklace on the door handle. She frowns, quickly lets herself in, dumps the bags on the side and goes back to get the necklace. She closes the door and instantly messages Jason.

Megan: Have you seen Avery today?

As she's waiting for a reply, she takes the groceries to the kitchen and starts putting them away. A minute later, Jason replies.

Jason: No. I haven't seen her today. Why?

Megan: I just got home from grocery shopping and found her necklace on my door. The one I got her for her birthday. She never takes it off

As she's waiting for a reply, she calls T.K.

'Hey, Megs, what's up?' T.K. asks as he answers the phone.

'Are you with Avery?' Megan asks him.

'No, I've been at the gym. Why?' T.K. responds.

'Is she at home? Or with your dad?' Megan asks.

'No. She told dad she was going to see Jason today.' He tells her. 'Megan, what's going on? I thought you two still aren't talking?'

'We're not.' Megan shakes her head. 'I just got home and found her necklace on my front door. The one I got her for her birthday. You know she hasn't taken it off since I got it for her. I just spoke to Jason and he hasn't seen her today.'

'Crap.' T.K. states. 'Okay, stay at your place. I'll call dad and Avery and see if I can find out where she is. She could have just left it as a way of saying sorry.'

'Let me know if you hear anything?' Megan asks.

'Of course.' They hang up and Megan sits down and waits impatiently to hear something. Ten minutes later, there's a knock at her door. She stands up and opens it. 'Jason?' She asks, seeing him. 'Shouldn't you be resting?' She lets him in and closes the door behind him.

'Something is definitely going on with Avery.' Jason tells Megan.

'I just spoke with T.K. Apparently, Avery told Owen she was going to see you today.' Megan tells him as they sit down.

'The last time I saw her was when I was discharged the day of the argument you two had.' Jason replies. 'I called her not long after you told me what happened. She didn't sound - she didn't sound like Avery. She knows that she's slipped and she's scared. I said day and night and she didn't say it back. Then when she came over that night, she didn't say it then either.'

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