Chapter Eighteen

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Avery and Jason are sitting in a coffee shop.

'So, what's this advice you wanted?' Jason asks her.

'The other day, T.K. talked to me about wanting to propose to Carlos.' Avery starts. 'Then yesterday, Carlos spoke to me about wanting to propose to T.K. I want to help them propose to each other.'

'And you want my help?' Jason guesses.

'Yep.' Avery pops the 'p'.

'Why not ask Megan?' Jason asks.

'Because I don't want to risk T.K. and Carlos finding out.' Avery replies. 'And if I plan it with Megan, there's a very high chance they will.'

'Okay.' Jason nods. 'What do you have in mind so far?' After an hour, they have finalized a plan and date, which will be shortly after Avery's birthday. They gather their things together and head out to the car. Once they're in, Jason turns to Avery. 'What the address of the station?' Avery tells him the address, he inserts it into google maps, puts his phone into the holder, and starts the drive.

Within ten minutes, they're pulling up in front of the station. Jason parks on the other side of the street, they get out and make their way into the station. T.K. is standing at the back of the ambulance, with his back to them. So Avery sneaks up behind him, stands on her tiptoes, and tickles the back of his neck. He spins around.

'Hey, bro.' Avery smiles innocently. 'What's up?'

'Did you just tickle my neck?' He asks, narrowing his eyes.

'I don't know what you mean.' She shakes her head smiling.

'Sure you don't.' T.K. smiles sarcastically. 'What brings you here?'

'Dad said Jase could take over "Avery-watch" as long as we stopped by here at some point.' Avery explains. This is when he notices Jason standing not far behind Avery. He nods at the young boy and Jason nods back. 

'He's in the kitchen.' T.K. states. 

'Thanks.' Avery smiles. She motions for Jase to follow her and they both make their way up to the kitchen. Owen is in the kitchen with Tommy and Judd.

'Hey, dad.' Avery grins as she approaches them. 'Judd-meister.' She fist bumps Judd. 'Tommy.' 

'Hey trouble.' Judd smiles. 'What brings you here?'

'I asked her to stop by.' Owen states. 'Can we talk for a sec? Jason can wait out here.'

'Sure.' Avery nods. She turns to Tommy and Judd. 'This is Jase, my best friend from L.A., Jase this is Tommy and Judd.' She introduces the three to each other whilst Jason sits down. 'I'll see you in a sec.' She says to Jason before following Owen to his office. They walk into his office and they both sit down. 'What's up?'

'I wanted to talk to you about something.' Owen starts.


'T.K. and I were talking this morning and we feel that you're ready to be left on your own.' Owen tells her.

'Really?' Avery's face lights up. 

'Yeah.' Owen nods. 'You've been doing really well. I told Carlos when he called earlier but he's going to chill there for the rest of the day so if you want to stay out with Jason, you can. Just let Carlos know when you're going to be home.'

'Okay.' Avery nods. 'Thanks.' She hugs him quickly and they part.

'I'll be home in the morning.' He tells her as they stand up. Avery nods and they both return to the kitchen, Judd is still in there with Jason. Jason notices the massive grin on Avery's face.

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