Chapter Thirty-Five

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It's been three days. Things have been tense with Jason in hospital and the not knowing what's going on with him. The doctors are still waiting on test results and are reluctant to diagnose or start a treatment plan until they know what they're dealing with. Avery, Megan, T.K., Carlos, and Owen are standing in Megan's front room. Something has happened that has led to a massive, heated argument between Megan and Avery.

'I'm the only friend he has.' Avery states, pacing.

'You really think that?' Megan scoffs. 'You're the one that was trying to get us together.' She adds. 'I care about him too.' Avery stops and turns to face her.

'Not like I do.' Avery shakes her head.

'No, not like you do.' Megan agrees. 'I don't know him the way you do. I haven't known him as long as you. But that doesn't mean that I don't care about him. You have no idea how grateful I am that you introduced us because at the end of the day, regardless of how I feel about him, he's a good friend.'

'I only pushed you two together because neither of you had the balls to admit how you felt for each other.' Avery raises her voice. 'You haven't seen him when he's at his lowest. You don't know what he's like at his lowest. I have.' Megan takes a deep breath.

'You're not yourself right now, Avery, so I'm done having this conversation with you.' Megan tells her.

'You do that. That's what you do best. You run when you're faced with the truth.' Avery laughs. 'And at least I'm not a drug-addicted teen that my brother felt sorry for and felt the need to take in.' Avery says, her voice cold. It was clear that this deeply hurt Megan. She stares at Avery dead in the eyes and turns to Owen.

'I'm about to walk out of here and she better be fucking gone by the time I get back.' Megan warns him before turning and storming out, not giving anyone a chance to say anything.

'Car.' Owen tells Avery. 'Now.' Avery scoffs and walks out to the car. She gets in and slams the door.

On the drive home, Avery stares out the window.

'That was way out of line.' Owen tells his daughter.

'It's the truth.' Avery mutters.

'What you said really hurt Megan.' Owen adds.

'Yeah, well,' Avery sighs, 'the truth hurts sometimes.'

'Ave, what's going?' Owen asks. 'You haven't been yourself the past few days, hell you haven't been yourself for a while.' Avery stays silent. 'Avery, come on. You don't do this. You don't hurt people like that. I just want to understand what made you say that to Megan. That's way out of character for you.'

'Hmm, I wonder why I haven't been myself.' Avery says, looking at her father. 'I was shot, almost died, scratch that I technically did die, multiple times. T.K. was in an accident and he could have died and now my best friend is in hospital and no one knows what the fuck is wrong with him.' She adds, almost shouting. 'Does that answer your question?' She looks back out of the window.

'I'm going to ask you a question and I want you to tell me the truth.' Owen starts. 'Have you been taking your meds?' Avery stays silent and Owen sighs. 'Ave, you're not giving me much choice now.'

'What do you mean?' Avery asks quietly.

'I'm going to speak to your psychiatrist about getting you admitted to an in-patient psyche facility.' He informs her.

'You can't do that.' Avery spins to face him.

'I can and I will.' Owen replies sternly. 'Avery, you're slipping. You have slipped. You need help.'

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