Chapter Thirty-Four

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It's been two weeks, T.K. has gotten better and is finally being discharged. Funnily enough, it co-incides with Megan's release from Safe Space. Since Owen is at work, Carlos and Avery have gone to pick T.K. up from the hospital whilst Jason has gone to pick Megan up from Safe Space. Carlos and Avery walk to the ward where T.K. was moved to and to his room. They see him standing up, packing his belongings into the bag on his bed.

'Hey.' Carlos smiles, walking to the room and placing a kiss on his lips. Avery walks in behind him.

'Hey.' T.K. smiles back as they part. 'Hey, trouble.' He brings his sister in for a hug.

'Hey.' Avery holds him tight.

'Ave. T.K. groans.

'Sorry.' Avery steps back from him. T.K. places his hand on her shoulders.

'I'm okay.' He assures. 'It's gonna take a whole lot more than a car accident to take me out.' At this, Avery laughs slightly and T.K. drops his hands.

'Are you waiting on anything or can we leave whenever?' Carlos asks him.

'Just my discharge letter.' T.K. responds facing him. He turns back to Avery. 'Are you gonna come and chill with us for a bit?'

'Might as well.' Avery shrugs. 'Megan gets out of rehab today, Jase as gone to pick her so I think they might want some time alone.'

Fifteen minutes later, the three of them are walking out of the hospital and to Carlos' car. They get in, buckle up and make their way to the apartment.


A week later, Jason and Avery are sitting in the front room watching a movie. Jason turns to Avery.

'Snack time?' Jason asks her.

'Not really that hungry.' Avery replies. Jason raises an eyebrow at her. 'Fine.' She sighs giving in. 'You know what I normally go for so surprise me.' Avery pauses the movie and Jason stands up and goes to walk off to the kitchen. Suddenly, he stops and sways a little. 'You okay?' Avery sits up straight, worried.

'Erm, yeah.' Jason gulps. 'Just a little dizzy spell.' He goes to take another step forwards but falls to the ground.

'Jase!!!' Avery exclaims, standing up and rushing to her best friend. She kneels down beside him. 'Jase!' She shakes him, attempting to rouse him seeing that he's unconscious. There's no luck. 'DAD!' She shouts for Owen. 'DAD!' Owen comes rushing in.

'What happened?!' He asks, also kneeling beside Jason.

'He just passed out.' Avery tells him, trying not to cry. 'He said he felt dizzy and then collapsed.'

'I'll call an ambulance.' Owen gets his phone out and dials 9-1-1.

Half an hour later, Owen and Avery are in the ER waiting room whilst Jason is being examined.

'His mom.' Avery's eyes widen. 'I need to call his mom.'

'Let me do that.' Owen says. 'What's her number?' Whilst Owen and Sharon had met a few times, they've never thought to exchange numbers. Avery gets her phone out and brings up Jason's mom's number. He gets his own phone out and types in the number before walking off to call her. A doctor walks in and approaches Avery.

'You came in with Jason Anderson?' The doctor asks her and she nods. 'My name's Dr Mayfair, I've been treating Jason. What's your relationship to him?'

'I'm his best friend.' Avery replies. 'My dad is calling his mom.'

'What exactly happened?' Dr Mayfair queries.

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