Part One

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Isabelle tossed and turned in the small bed, unable to get comfortable as Dean slept soundless in the bed next to her. The nights previous hunt had left her soar and covered in bruises. It was worse that she hadn't slept well for the past week, she'd had a constant headache that refused to go away. The sun had already begun to rise, giving Isabelle no reason to go back to sleep. Instead, she decided to get breakfast for her and Dean, it was easier than lying around in pain

"Where have you been?" Dean paced the room annoying her in his pyjama trousers, she wished he would put a shirt on every once in awhile. His face was a concerned mask, she wasn't sure if it was because she disappeared without a note or it was still about John

"I went to get us breakfast" she said placing the bag of food on the small table as Dean stared at her annoyed "I got you coffee too, and not the cheap stuff the good coffee you like so much, and I got us both chocolate croissants, there better when there warm"

"You're rambling," Dean continued to stare at her, his face soft. He shook his head, becoming concerned again "Its been days, and he hasn't even called."

"What did I tell you" Isabelle ruffled his soft hair, he had been too busy to get it cut, he also didn't see the point in paying so much money to get rid of hair. Instead every month he'd beg her to cut it and she'd get a favour out of it "eat your food and then if he hasn't called by ten you can worry. You know John always does this I'm sure he's fine"

"Never for this long, I'm worried," he sighed, sitting on the edge of the hard bed

"That's why we wait until ten, now get dressed and eat the stupid expensive croissant I brought you" she ordered bitting into her own warm pastery that oozed with chocolate, it was the best thing she had eaten in weeks mainly because all they'd eaten was chips and greasy food "Oh my god you need to try this"

Dean tried to take a bite of hers, forcing her to swat him away. "You're own, not mine."

"Wow, you're mean when it comes to food," he pouted

"And your not" she asked staring him down

"Your right" he said wide-eyed as he bit into his own "Your right. This is like sex."

"It's better than sex," Isabelle said enthusiastically as she took a sip of the equally heavenly coffee

"Obviously, you've never had sex with me." Dean smirked slightly

"And that is how it will always remain," she laughed, finishing her packing as Dean finished his breakfast. Even as he sat sipping his coffee, she could see his eyes darting to the clock

"Dean please relax" she took his hand trying to sheild the clock with her body "your going to make yourself sick"

"I'm trying" he hung his head breathing deeply

"I know you are" she said gently forcing him to look at her, she knew he wasn't going to like what she'd say "only I find it unfair that John leaves without a thought too you and your left worrying over him too the point its putting our lives in danger"

"He's my father I'm going to worry" he said defensively moving out of his chair and away from her "You can't expect me to push my emotions down like you do and not care"

"Of course I care" she stated angrily through her lie, she cared about Dean not John "but were covered in bruises and scrapes because last night all you could think of was John, you could have gotten yourself killed"

"I could have gotten you killed" he said slowly the realisation dawning on him "I'm sorry, I should have been more carful I know not to get distracted on a hunt"

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