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I sat there for awhile, waiting. I waited an hour, and now I was worried. "Hmm, is se ok?" I asked.  I went to one of the workers. "Hello, Miss. Have you seen a cute Chinese woman with perfect black hair, light skin, hazel eyes, and a button nose go anywhere?" I asked. The lady shook her head. "Ok, well, she's my..........friend. Can I go in the bathroom to make sure she's ok?" I asked. The lady nodded. "Ok. But don't take too long." The lady said this with a wink as if we were know.

I nodded, and went in. I didn't see Hazel anywhere, but I saw a note:

Dear Blonde boy,

I went back to the hotel, please don't wait.


"Why didn't she say my name?" I asked. I walked back to the hotel. "Hey, have you seem Hazel anywhere?" I asked Daisy when I got there. "YOU LOST WATSON?!" Daisy said.


"No, no, no, I didn't lose her. i just saw her go in the bathroom and she never came out." I said. George looked at me. "You lost my little sister?!" he said, grabbing both my shoulders. "Little sister?" I said. "Yes, I consider her my little sister. Anyway, YOU LOST HER?!" George slapped me across the face. "OH, ok, ok, ok. Stop!" I said.

"Maybe she'll show up last minute?" I suggested.

"She better, otherwise you're in for a world of pain." Daisy threatened.

Oh, lord, please help me.

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