Happy bithday? Not so much.

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(( Happy late birthday to Iris :D. ))
TW: Blood & Gore

The date was April 19th, 2023, The flowers were blooming as the trees started to grow new leaves but inside the punkrocks bar and grill sat a red fox, thinking of something when woman with snow white hair walked in with a couple bags filled with birthday party like stuff "Good morning Foxy, you ready to get the party started?" Sabrina said witha smile on her face as the red fox looked over at her
"Hell yeah, lets get this started" He said to her as he got up and grabbed one of the bags to help set up the main room with the help of a few people (Pico, Milo, Bonnie, Butch, and Sabrina) After a few hours they finally got done.
"This looks awesome!" Bonnie said as he put a small vallina cake on the table next to some gifts that came from the group.
"Guys, i think i hear them coming!" Milo said before they hid with the others all around the room and right in time, The owner and bartender of the location started walking in.
"Why is the main room?-" right before Iris could finished his sentence many people jumped out from hiding
"Happy birthday Iris!" The group said with smiles on their faces while the owner stood there in shock, not sure what to do exactly
"Thank you guys" He quietly said to the group as Sabrina walked up to him and gave them a hug
"Happy 27th birthday Iris" Fern said as Iris have sabrina a quick hug back and the group walked over to the table where the cake and gifts were at. Iris stared at the cake, reading what the frosting said
"Happy Birthday Iris" He softly read out what it said as bonnie lit the five candles on the cake, after that everyone started to sing happy birthday to the newly 27 year old as they just stood there, with a soft smile on their face before he blew out the candles.
(Time skip and Iris' POV)
After a long time, i went downstairs to the office to put away some of the gifts and started to do work when about 30 minutes later when my personal phone started to ring so I answered it "Hello, This is Iris Stone, How may I help you?" I quietly mumbled into the phone when i heard a voice, one i never wanted to hear again.
"Son, it's been such a long time since we last talked" He said back in his deep but very scratchy voice as my breathing started to pick up and i was getting more anxious by the minute, it was dead slient for a few mintues and i was thinking about hanging up but i didn't till my 'Father' broke the slience
"When are you coming back to visit me and your mother? She has been missing you greatly and you must come see your little sib-" I heard him cut out as i hung up the phone and powered it off then throwing it onto the couch before leaving my office and went the corner where we found the dart board for a head at. I just sat there, in my own panic, not paying attention to my surrdings and who was right by me with a crowbar
(Fern's POV)
I was talking to foxy and bonnie as the party was concluding when Milo came up to me and pulled on my sleeve
"Is everything ok Milo?" I asked the small blue raccoon while looking down at them, their eyes had a hint of worry and concern in their eyes and i knew that wasn't normal
"Uhm....I heard a lot of clashing and banging downstairs and i don't know where Iris and you know who are at" Milo said as Me and Foxy got concerned before foxy went downstairs
"Alright, thank you milo, how about you hang out here with bonnie while me and foxy go check on Iris" I said before heading downstairs to see foxy staring at a certain corner of the basement so i went over to him and looked at him
"Whats wrong Fox?-" I started to ask when a awful smell hit my noise and i looked at the ground to see a pool of blood and it was growing slowly
"What the fuck..." I quietly said before i looked up a small bit to see a bloody mess of Iris, His right arm looked it was about to fall off and there was no skin left just muscle and blood while his face had blood running down a big gash on his upper right side of his face.
"Foxy...Can you please go get bonnie and get him to call 911...?" I asked the disturbed fox and he immatidty went upstairs as i ran to the office, grabbed the medical kit, and ran back over to where foxy and bonnie were at, Bonnie calling 911 as Foxy was trying to stop the bleeding on Iris face, i think he knew their was no way he could stop the arm bleeding. I grabbed a pair of rubber gloves as i took over on stopping the head wound from bleeding everywhere
(Time skip)
I was now sitting in the waiting room, blood still all over my clothes and upper arms as i waited to hear any news on Iris when a young doctor, probably in her mid or late 20s came out of a hallway
"Fern Simions?" She called out and stood up before walking over to her
"Follow me right this way please" She said as we walked through two hallways and took a right to get to room 220, She opened the door and i saw Iris laying there, connected to a few different machicnes but i started to look at how the injuries were
"We did all we could but we couldn't save his right arm, Though a company under the name 'Fazbear Enterprises' said that they will pay for his prothtec and help pay the medical bills off" She said to me as i nodded my head and walked over to the left side of the bed and looked at Iris
'God...You and Mackezie getting hurt back to back' I thought to myself when two police officers walked into the room and the doctor left, i looked up at them
"We are assuming that you are Fern Simions?" One of them asked me
"Indeed i am, what do you exactly want?" i asked, crossing my arms and looked at them, clearly not in the mood
"Well we found the person who did this with the help of someone named Dylan _ " The second police officer said while looking at their notes as i stayed quiet
"Its some 9 foot tall robot that is called GC" The first officer said as i quietly sighed
"Not that surprised" I mumbled to myself, wondering what this hell could bring.

Date started: 4/19/23
Date finished: 4/24/23

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