- "Tokyo Manji are monsters!!" yelled another.

- "They are incredibly strong!"

Kakuchou was fighting Takemichi, Mocci was fighting Chifuyu, Hakkai and Mitsuya were fighting the Haitani brothers, Senju met Sanzu on the battlefield, and Katsumi continued to take down more and more enemies. She was caught up in the frenzy of the battle. She was hitting left and right laughing demonically. Some of the opponents had started to run away from her, but she hunted them down and knocked them down.

- "Manjiro!! Why don't you come here to settle once and for all who is the strongest among us?" Katsumi shouted at him.

- "Tz, you get on my nerves, Kat-chin!"

- "Oi, can someone tell me how many Kantou Manji members are still standing? I think I have already knocked down more than half by myself!" Katsumi shouted, continuing to break bones.

Katsumi noticed that Wakasa and Benkei attacked Inui and came towards him. Inui was on the ground when Katsumi jumped into the air and hit Benkei throwing him backwards.

- "2 against 1? That's not fair at all", Katsumi said with a grin.

Senju was knocked down by her brother.

- "Fuck!" Katsumi shouted looking at Senju's inert body. "Inui, let's finish here quickly."

- "Katsumi, Benkei and Waka get on my nerves! What about Brahman? What about Kantou? Shinichiro would never have wanted this!" Inui said and hit them both. "I know that inside you are the first generation of Black dragon. Takemichi and Shinichiro share the same spirit! That's why I'm on Takemichi Hanagaki's side."

- "I won't allow you to throw dirty to my brother's legacy!" Katsumi shouted and started hitting Wakasa while Inui took care of Benkei.

Wakasa was on the ground, only Benkei was left standing.

- "Inui, I leave him in your care, Coco...stop being an idiot and help your friend!" Katsumi said. "A new player has appeared that I have been waiting for a long time."

She went to the area where Hanma had appeared and was fighting with Chifuyu and Mitsuya.

- "Chifuyu! Mitsuya! Can you be a little bit entertaining?" Hanma asked.

- "This looks like a job for me", said Katsumi smirking, coming between Chifuyu and Mitsuya. "What do you say, Hanma, wanna play?"

- "Akuma, I've been waiting for this moment since I saw you fighting Izana <3", Hanma said. "I missed you."

- "You are about to miss some teeth", prompted Katsumi snapping her fingers.Pah-chin went to fight Mikey, but lost, Inui and Coco also lost to Waka and Benkei.

- "Draken told me that you're extremely tough", said Katsumi. "Let's see!"

- "This is so entertaining!" Hanma said and attacked Katsumi who ducked.

After getting bored by dodging his attacks, Katsumi kicked Hanma's head a few times until he was laying on the ground. Katsumi had a boot on his neck and scanned the battle field.

- "You would do better to stay there!" She said licking her bloody lips.

- "This was really interesting, thank you, Akuma..." said Hanma half-consciously.

- "Is that a train!?" A voice was heard.Katsumi looked up in wonder.

- "Chifuyu, Mitsuya! Let's retreat!" she shouted at them grabbing both of them and started to walk to a safe area, but the train suddenly stopped.

- "What are you waiting for?! The second generation of Toman can barely stand on their feet!" Mikey shouted. "Finish them!"

- "Fuck you, Manjiro!" Katsumi shouted at him and started to fight with all those who came to attack them. "I'll finish here in a moment and then I'll come after you!"

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