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The past - Shinichiro's death

- Shinichiro!!!!

A girl's horrified scream made the windows of the room to shake. She tried to warn her older brother when she saw one of the children who had entered his brother's shop preparing to hit him on the back of the head with a spanner. However, it was too late, the criminal had already hit her brother who was now lying inert on the floor.

-Kazutora!!! It's Shinichiro, Mikey's brother! shouted at the same time as the girl another boy who was standing next to the motorcycle displayed in the window.

On the left and the right wall, several motorcycles were lined up perfectly with the handlebars bent towards the one that was exposed on a small podium.

The delinquent who had hit her brother was sitting with the spanner still in his hand, looking puzzled. The other boy was frozen. His gaze shifted to the face of the girl who was shaking uncontrollably while trying to dial a number on the phone she was holding.

-Katsumi.. whispered the boy.Kazurota turned to the direction that his friend was looking.

He didn't have the courage to make eye contact with the girl. How had it come to this? Katsumi was trying to figure out if it was a bad dream. She hoped to open her eyes and see her older brother sleeping in the other bed next to hers. With each passing second she realized that her hopes were futile. Police cars could be heard approching from the distance. Probably someone from the neighbouring buildings saw when the two boys broke into the store and notified the police. She put the phone to her ear and waited for the operator to answer. She wanted to call an ambulance, after giving the address of the ambulance, she came running towards her brother's body. She had to accept the reality of the tragedy that her brother was dead. She pushed Kazutora into one of the rows of motorcycles and dropped to her knees next to her brother's body. Tears began to flow uncontrollably on her face when she realised that her brother was no longer breathing. She was shaking his body trying to wake him up, but his body still remained motionless.

Kazutora had fallen between the motorcycles and was watching her scared. He did not dare to say anything to her. He did not know what would happen to them.

- We're sorry, Katsumi, I didn't know that this was Shinichiro's shop, the other boy spoke, shyly approaching her.

-Shut up, Baji! the girl shouted at him through tears.

-It was just an accident, said Kazutora.

An accident?! Was it just an accident?! Katsumi felt anger rising inside her at those words. He turned to Kazutora and jumped on him trying to strangle him.

- This will be an accident! she shouted in front of him as the boy that was struggling to break free.

The girl had put all her weight on him and tried to squeeze his neck as hard as she could. Baji came speeding towards her and pounced on her knocking her off of Kazutora.

-Katsumi, Kazutora didn't want this to happen!

Katsumi punched him in the face and pushed him off her, ready to turn to Kazutora who was now standing and coughing. Baji grabbed her legs and tried to keep her immobilized on the ground.

- Baji, let me go! the girl shouted at him as she tried to free herself.

The police car arrived together with the ambulance and they entered the store where they found the 3 children. The doctors tried to resuscitate Shinichiro, but they failed. Katsumi was screaming and crying. One of the doctors tried to calm her down, while the two boys were taken away by the police.

Outside, the people around had already gathered to see what happened. The doctor trying to calm her down took a blanket and put it over her shoulders. She was in a state of shock, she felt like she was going to faint. In the crowd she saw her twin brother, Mikey, who was watching with his friend Ken as their friends Baji and Kazutora were put into the police car. Her twin brother looked confused and scared, she wanted to go to him, but she felt like she had no strength to move. How could she tell Mikey that their brother had been killed by his friend Kazutora?

That evening, Shinichiro had heard noises downstairs in his motorcycle shop and went down to see what was happening. On the 1st floor, he had arranged a small apartment where he often slept. Katsumi woke up and heard his voice from downstairs talking to Baji. She initially thought that Mikey's friend had come to visit, she didn't even realise that Baji didn't know about Shinichiro's shop.

She came down to greet Baji, after all Baji was also her friend, she often helps him with his homework for school. But when she got downstairs, she saw another boy, whom she didn't recognize at first, attacking her brother. 

Then she realised that the only friend of Mikey who knew about the store was Ken, and the two had come to steal the motorcycle from the window. That motorcycle was to be a gift from her and Shinichiro to her twin brother. She had helped her older brother to repair the old CB205T model, Mikey's favorite.

She spent a lot of time with her older brother, although it had always been obvious to her that Shinichiro cared more about Mikey. She had never understood the reason behind this sympathy. She was much more advanced in terms of martial arts skills than Mikey, she had better grades than Mikey, she was much more determined and mature than him. She spent most of her time studying and training compared to her brother who was out all day with his friends and was more concerned with his gang than anything else. "The invincible Mikey", she laughed every time he heard his friends call him that. Mikey didn't stand a chance against her.

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