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the first week at home was complete rest, the second week I was allowed to go out in the city and now in the third week I start to feel alive again

I haven't seen Lewis since he came to see me at the hospital, I still feel really bad about what he did to me


"Hello?" I said after I stayed on the call

"Kaya, I'm Juan, do you want to go out in 20 minutes with me, Arthur and Ollie?"

"hi, sure, i'm getting ready now" I said

"ok, I'll come after you in 20 minutes" he said

it's quite warm outside so I put on a pink dress I got from Isa when I woke up from my coma

I put on my shoes Air force 1 , I took a small white bag to have a place to keep my wallet, phone and charger, and I let my hair down

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I put on my shoes Air force 1 , I took a small white bag to have a place to keep my wallet, phone and charger, and I let my hair down

when I was taking a picture in the mirror I heard a knock at the door

I'm alone at home so I went to open the door

"are you ready?" asked Juan smiling looking at me after I opened the door

"yes, let's go?" I said smiling

I got into the car, after 2 minutes of silence Juan spoke again

"you look the same as you did before the accident" he said

"I could say the same about you" I said smiling at him

after another 5 minutes we arrived in the center of Monaco, where we entered a restaurant, when we entered we saw Ollie and Arthur sitting at a table so we went towards them

"my favorite boys" I said smiling

"Kaya!" said Arthur when he saw me and got up to hug me

"God, I missed you so much" said Ollie, standing up to hug me too

"and I missed you all three" I said smiling

we sat down at the table and waited for the waiter to come with the food, during that time we talked about what happened while I was in coma, Arthur started to cry when I told him about the accident and how it felt from in the car and so we decided to go out and walk around the city and then return to the car

"Arthur you're not going to cry are you?" I asked him leaving the restaurant

"no, dust got in my eyes" said Arthur

we walked until we reached a park where there was an ice cream machine

"Kaya, what kind of ice cream do you like?" Juan asked me

"mint" said Ollie before I opened my mouth

I looked a little shocked at Ollie and then I started laughing "that's why I love you"

Juan bought me a mint ice cream and they bought an ice cream each, we sat on two benches facing each other until I chose who to sit with, Arthur and Ollie sat on one of the benches so I I stayed with Juan

"so will you go back to formula 1? or at least 2?" asked Juan, and then all eyes were on me

"I don't know what to say.. there is no free place, I saw that Sergio Perez took my place, I have not yet been called to be told that I am wanted back.. so I have no idea" I said, looking away down to the ice cream

"Kaya you will be called, for sure," Arthur told me

"I don't know what to say, maybe not" I said

"what do you mean? Ollie asked

"I was going to die, most likely the world now thinks that I am not capable of driving a Formula 1 car" I said smiling to hold back my tears

Juan took my hand and with the other hand raised my head so that I could look at him "Kaya, you are the best Formula 1 driver, the accident happened because the car was not good enough, you are doing great, you are the best brave woman I know" he told me

"thank you, but-" I said

"no but, you're sleepy, let's go" Ollie said

we got up and headed towards the restaurant where they left the cars

"by the way.. you and Lewis..?” Ollie said

"uhm, when I came out of the coma he visited me, I did the most ugly thing and Paul kicked him out of the room" I said

"so who told you?" asked Arthur 

"no one, actually I saw them kissing before the accident, I had found out before I got into the car that Lewis had been cheating on me for several months" I said and a tear fell

"I kill him" said Juan

"I'll help you too" said Ollie

"that's it" i said

"Hello? no, you don't deserve this, it's not the first time he's hurt you" Ollie told me when I got to the car

"it doesn't matter, it's late, who's taking me home?" I said, trying to change the subject

"considering that I brought you, I'll take you home" said Juan putting a hand on his back

"ok then" I said smiling

I went and hugged Ollie and Arthur who were leaving in Arthur's car

"see you next time" I told them

"ok, don't go into a coma again" said Ollie and Arthur laughed

"I'll try" I told them getting into the car after Juan opened the door for me

after that Juan and I left for my house

"and you have remained in formula 2 for so many years" I said

"yes, I won the last 3 championships, I hope that next year I can reach Formula 1" said Juan

"and I hope I can to" i said

"Kaya, you are the winner of two Formula 1 championships, believe me, everyone will want you in their team" said Juan, putting a hand on my leg

"I hope so" I said smiling

after a few more minutes I arrived at my home

"do you want to come in?" I asked him, motioning towards the house

"sure" he told me

"by the way, I forgot to give you something" he said

we both got out of the car and then he opened the back door where he took a bouquet of flowers, some wonderful carnations and he offered them to me

"Juan, they are wonderful" I said, taking them in my hands

"I couldn't get to the hospital while you were still there so I thought this would be a good time" he said smiling

"thank you very much" I said and then I hugged him

we both entered the house talking and laughing, when we headed to the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase, we caught sight of someone..


♡the next part will come very soon

♡don't forget to vote

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