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"Kaya it's me, do you see me? you hear me?" I heard

I felt slightly dizzy and not exactly perfect

slowly I started to open my eyes and I saw George, the light was burning my eyes and I was struggling to keep them open

"I didn't think I would ever see your eyes again" said George and I noticed some tears falling on his face

he was crying, my brother was crying

"George?" I asked confused, trying to get up to sit higher

"don't try to get up, wait a little longer, the doctors said it's possible to feel dizzy" he said holding my hand

"the doctors? George, where am I?" I said a little scared

"at hospital Kaya" he said

"hospital? what the? why? what's going on?" I started to say, very confused

"Kaya, you had an accident.." he said looking at me

"accident?" I asked

"Kaya, you had a very serious accident, you were in a coma.."

"in a coma, what the hell? how long?" I said, raising and then putting a hand to my head, trying to cover the headache

"almost 2 years" he said, another tear falling from his eye

2 years in a coma..2 fucking years in a coma

"what you mean? George?" I said crying as I saw George leaving the room

"george!" I shouted at the top of my lungs after him, crying

two years? what happened in those years? I don't even remember what happened

I barely stopped crying when a woman, a nurse, came to my hospital room

"hello dear, I know it's exhausting for you what's going on right now, but you'll have to sleep and tomorrow you'll feel a little better" she told me

that's what I did, I sat on my back and immediately fell asleep because of how tired I was already


the next morning my parents came to me, both were crying, apparently we are in a hospital in Monaco

after they left I felt a lot better because Arthur came with Charles, my God I love these guys.. they kept me up to date with what had happened

I told them that I don't remember anything that happened until the day of the race in Abu Dhabi

from what they told me.. I won the championship after Max also had an accident and didn't finish the race, it was discovered that he broke a rather serious rule and was penalized with 19 points, and that brought me to victory, even if I was intubated in a coma in a hospital bed

I stayed with Charles for a long time after Arthur had to leave.. the next visit I was going to receive from my dear lover

when Charles started to explain the accident to me, I started to remember what happened that day

it was an almost fatal accident, I lost two wheels, the brakes didn't work and I lost control going into a wall at almost 300 per hour

I am very lucky that at this moment I am breathing

after Charles left and I was left alone, I started to remember more and more of that day

before the race.. I had learned something.. but it's hard for me to remember what

the important thing is that I got my phone, my God, how I missed it, I have a lot of unread messages, it seems that people really thought I died.. I went on the call with Charles.. I had written something to him.. that Lewis is cheating on me...

damn i remember I had caught Lewis with another woman. I had found out that they were already meeting secretly behind my back for months, how could I be so stupid? I remember everything, that's why I was driving so aggressively, I put my life in danger because of him.. AGAIN

tears started to flow all of a sudden

I spent my time looking through the posts of George, Charles, Arthur and so on

until the door opened and I saw Lewis and Paul enter, I was happy to see them, Paul seemed much more mature and Lewis the same

the tears started to flow again seeing Lewis and when I remembered the fact that he was cheating on me and most importantly he hurt me again

both rushed to come to me, Paul on one side and Lewis on the other, when Lewis took my hand you could see on Paul's face that he was looking at Lewis with disdain, as if he hated him

Lewis leaned down and kissed me

after he kissed me, I immediately turned my head and avoided looking into his eyes

"baby I missed you so much" Lewis told me

another tear fell on my face and I said "please stop, I can't bear to hear you lie"

"what do you mean?" I asked and when I looked at Paul and he bowed his head, he knew

"Lewis, how stupid would you be to come here?" I asked smiling

"Kaya.." he told me, and he realized that I know, stupid

"no, don't ever use my name again, you chated on me" I said

"Kaya please-" he said

"I had the accident because of you, god Lewis, I saw you before I got into the car," I said

"because of you I drove without thinking about the consequences, I packed the car so hard that I damaged it" I said again without letting him defend himself

"I ran into a wall at full speed, I could die and that only because of you!"

"you promised me that you wouldn't hurt me again and now I'm in a hospital bed barely coming out of a coma" I shouted

I started to cry uncontrollably and Paul hugged me, motioning Lewis to go outside

"Kaya, you're with me, you're safe" said Paul kissing me on the head

"I love him, Paul" I told him crying


that night Paul slept with me, he wanted to make sure I didn't suffer anything, the next day George came back with Lily and Alex, in the end I woke up with everyone there, especially with Isa who I really missed

after a week in which I stayed only in that bitter room I was allowed to go home, we returned to our house in Monaco, it was the same as I left it, even my room was the same as I left it, with my clothes on the floor after I had argued with George

Lily and Isa decided that they want to spend the night at my place to keep me updated on everything that happened in the 2 years


♡don't forget to vote

♡unfortunately the story is coming to an end

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