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I can say that I haven't felt so bad in a very long time

even though I was drunk and had just done something that I thought wouldn't affect me, the fact that I saw Lewis and realized that I can't live without him put me in a very bad mood

I slept very hard, I was lucky with Paul

the next morning Paul had to go to the hotel to check some things and bring all his things because the time he was allowed to stay in that hotel room was over

I don't mind sleeping with Paul, he's a very good friend and I'm glad he's by my side when I feel bad

I can say that I stayed locked in my room for half the day without going downstairs or making contact with any friend who lived in my house

but when I was watching a movie someone knocked on my door, it was Charles, and he entered the room

"Kaya, I need to know what you have so I can help you, you can't stay locked up here all day" he said

"why not? I was already used to it" I said trying to cheer myself up

"Kaya, is it about Lewis? If so, know that he doesn't deserve you" He said

"it doesn't matter if it's about him" I said

There was silence for a few moments between us until Charles spoke again

"how about we go for a walk on a yacht, like in the old days when we were little" He said

"I don't know what to say Charles" I said

"that's only if your boyfriend lets you go out with me" he said 

"ok, let's go" I said "give me 20 minutes to change and take a shower" I said getting out of bed

Charles went downstairs while I got ready

Charles went downstairs while I got ready

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THis is how i dressed up

I went downstairs to look for Charles, but I didn't find him, I found Lewis

"hi" i said

"where are you going?" he asked without looking at me

"I'm going on a yacht ride with Charles, do you want to come too?" I asked walking next to him

"and what does your boyfriend say?" he asked without looking at me

"I spoke with him on the phone, he said it's ok, he trusts me"

no one was saying anything to me, it was quiet

"Kaya what do we do?" asked Lewis

"what do you mean?"

"we can't do this forever," he said

"I really wish it were different" I said

"then let's make it different" said Lewis and took my hand

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