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I woke up in an unknown place, similar to my hotel room, but still different I preferred not to look around and just look at the ceiling for a few seconds until I manage to wake up more easily.

when I started to remember a little of the night before, I remembered that I went to a party, but nothing else. after that I realized that I have a rather heavy hand that surrounds my waist and when I looked I saw Lewis. I got scared and then I realized that he only had a pair of shorts on and I only had a t-shirt that I think is his.

if George were here to see us, I think he would have a panic attack. I got up from the pillow and put my hands on my head as my head started to hurt terribly.

"can i give you a headache pill while i explain how you got here because it's clear you have no idea" he said

I looked back and saw him get up in one hand from the pillow, he brought me the pill and started to explain everything in detail.


"after what I saw, he kissed you, but you kiss him back, so yes" he said calmly


"I took you from there in my arms because from what you said, you don't need a nanny" he said laughing

someone knocked on the door so Lewis got out of bed and went to open it to see who it was, and guess what, IT WAS GEORGE

"morning Lewis, do you have any idea where Kaya is? I've been calling her since this morning, but she doesn't answer and she's not even in her hotel room" he ask entering the room

Lewis didn't get to say anything because George came in and saw me in Lewis's bed. he looked at me shocked for a few seconds in which no one said anything, I just put a hand on my forehead as a sign that I was very embarrassed.

"Lewis- why the hell is my sister in your bed in your shirt?" said George how long to return with the face to Lewis

"If I were you, I would be happy that she is dressed, but okay" he said, raising his hands in the air as a sign that he would be beaten

"Hamilton!!" I said as I got up from the bed throwing a pillow in front of him

"George, I know what you're thinking right now, but Lewis just picked me up from the club and I had to sleep at his place because you weren't answering and my keys are at your room" I told him

Lewis looked at him and nodded

"I'll try to take your word for it, now hurry up and change because it's the last day here and we'll both go out for a coffee" George told me

I took my things and whispered to Lewis that I thank him and went to change in my room with George

I went to the bathroom to get ready and then I saw a post that was everywhere on the internet.

I went to the bathroom to get ready and then I saw a post that was everywhere on the internet

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