Bladerun (Villain | MHA)

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Name: Nanomachines

Type: Transformation


Bladerun can create, shape and manipulate nanites, machines or robots whose components are at or near the scale of a nanometre.

More specifically, nanorobotics (as opposed to micro-robotics) refers to the nanotechnology engineering discipline of designing and building nanorobots, with devices ranging in size from 100 or 1 Nanometer and constructed of nanoscale or molecular components. This allows the use of nanotechnology: manipulation of matter on a Supramolecular, molecular, and atomic scale.

The tiny robots that the user controls can be programmed to build, destroy and cover themselves with metal. They can produce a suit of cyber armor made of sentient Nano-bytes that covers their body and is nearly indestructible yet still very agile from one small piece of It. It also increases his physical attributes many times that of the average human.

The nanites in his bloodstream can also have the effect of healing his injuries at an accelerated rate, allowing them to regenerate before any normally fatal injuries could kill them. This power is able to upgrade vehicles or take over electrical objects through the use of nanotechnology.

When in use to upgrade vehicles, a cable will come out from the arm; the more cables, the higher/faster the upgrade. Bladerun can shoot a cylindrical bullet that releases nanites which override the electrical object programming. Bladerun is also a living arsenal. He is capable of creating, absorbing and reshaping any kind of weaponry whether it be guns, cannons, swords, hammers, shields etc. from his bodies at will.

He has his own unique arsenal of weaponry housed within his body and can create new weapons at any time or absorb previously existing weapons to add to his own personal arsenal. As a living arsenal, he can also create weapons for others to use as well as creating sets of tools/objects used to achieve a particular objective.


The Transformation of the Nanomachines into a Variety of Machinery, is a Reference to Some Characters with Tech that can Transform.

● Rex Salazar (Generator Rex)

● Cyrax & Sektor (Mortal Kombat)

● Iron Man, Mark 85 (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

● Cyborg & Blue Beetle (DC Comics)

He also has a Power Source Inside Him, That Gives Him an Unlimited Amount of Power to His Nanomachines.

-----[His Stand]-----

Name: Utopia

From: Utopia Dopant (Kamen Rider W)

Namesake: Utopia (American Rock Band)


Destructive Power: A

Speed: A

Range: ∅

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