The Giant

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The mountains lay tall and imposing. Arthur, Jerry, George and Lyander looked up at it and stared for a few moments.

"We need to get to the other side of these mountains," said Arthur, looking for a path that might carry them up on top to the mountains.

Then Arthur noticed a path leading up to the mountains amongst the trees. "Come on, let's take this path," he said and together they all began to move towards the path that led up the mountain.

There was a cool breeze blowing as the day was coming to a close. The sky was growing darker and darker. Birds chirped now and then and stars appeared one by one in the darkening sky.

On they went up the road climbing higher and higher up the mountains. Then suddenly they found the way ahead barred by something big. At first they thought that it was a giant boulder sitting in the middle of the road. The darkness thatr was deepening all around made it difficult to see what it was clearly though they were sure there was something lying in the middle of the road a few paces ahead.

They went closer to the thing and it grunted, "who dares pass through the path that leads up to the summit of the Murky Mountains," came a voice from the thing in the middle of the path.

"We want to cross over the mountain to the other side to meet with the Moon Mystique," said Arthur, and the thing in the middle of the road came lumbering towards them.

"I will let you pass, if you promise to bring me some Moon Mead for my son who is sick," said the voice, and moved away from the path.

"Thank you, we will ask the Moon Mystique for Moon Mead once we get there," said Arthur, as they moved on ahead down the path.

The moon was shining brightly down the path and there were fireflies dancing here and there in the air. Arthur yawned. They came to a cave in the side of the mountain and Arthur said, "let's rest here for the night."

"Alright," said Jerry as they came closer to the mouth of the cave. They all got off their rides and set the unicorn and the horses free to graze. Then Lyander took out a handkerchief and laid it on the floor and muttered some strange words.

The handkerchief grew into the size of a picnic cloth and on top of it appeared the most delicious looking food one could imagine. There were plates filled with roast chicken, fried potatoes, fried fish, boiled vegetables, macaroni and cheese and cheese pudding.

Just as they were sitting down and having breakfast a deer came to where they were and said, "please help me, I am a Pixie Princess and I was turned into a deer by the evil Mistletoe Mistress.

"Who is the Mistletoe Maiden?" asked Arthur, looking at the deer. The moon shone brightly and the deer looked up at it and said, "she is the queen of the Mistletoe Maidens."

"But why did she turn you into a deer?" asked Arthur, looking up at the deer.

"Because I refused to hand over the throne of the pixies to her. Now she has the pixie kingdom under her thumb and she sells pixies to the evil wizards and witches who want pixie slaves as familiars."

"Familiars?" asked Arthur, not sure if he had heard the word before.

"Familiars are helpers for witches and wizards," said the deer looking up at Arthur. "Please help me save my friends."

"But how can we do that," said Jerry looking up at the deer.

"Well, you will need to steal some leaves of the magic mistletoe berries that grow in the garden of the Mistletoe Maiden.

"Could you take us to where she lives?" asked Arthur and then they all followed the deer after Lyander had said some magic words and cleared up the things they had been eating and pocketed the handkerchief back into his pocket.

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