The Preparations

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"We will see to it that everything is prepared," said one of the dwarf lords who was wearing many medals across his shirt.

"Thank you Lieutenant Rick," said the Dwarf king and whistled. A dwarf came to him and bowed.

"Please fetch me the map of our kingdom," said the dwarf king and the dwarf who had answered the dwarf king's whistle bowed and left.

Soon the dwarf was back carrying a scroll. "There is a secret passage that leads to the kingdom of trolls directly from our kingdom. But the entrance to it has been lost for ages. If we can find it then we can surprise the trolls with a surprise attack."

"I can help you find it, your majesty," said Arthur, remembering that he had the Silver Shamrock with him.

"Well, in that case, please start looking for it immediately Arthur," said the dwarf king and Arthur bowed and left the council chamber.

Then Arthur took out the Silver Shamrock and said, "show me the place to the entrance of the secret passage that leads to the troll kingdom."

The Silver Shamrock started glowing and flew off Arthur's hand. Arthur followed it as it floated down passages. It kept floating on and on until Arthur thought it would never stop. It floated down passages, left, right, left, right. Fortunately for Arthur, Jerry and George had followed him and they were much better at remembering the way.

Then the Silver Shamrock came to a stop at a rocky wall and settled itself on a rock nearby. Arthur stooped down and picked up the Silver Shamrock and as he was picking it up, his hand touched the rock it had settled on. The wall ahead split in the middle and a space large enough to travel through could be seen.

Arthur. Jerry and George went back to the king and told them of their find. "This passage was supposed to be known only to the dwarves and not the trolls. It is believed to lead right to the throne room of the trolls."

"I am glad we found it then," said Arthur. touching the Silver Shamrock in his pocket.

"Thank you for your help. I don't know what we would have done without you," said the dwarf king bowing at Arthur.

Just then a dwarf came in followed by a strange figure. The figure had greenish skin and green hair and looked more like a walking tree than anything else Arthur had ever seen.

"This dryad wanted to come and meet you, your majesty," said the dwarf that had escorted the dryad into the throne room.

"The trolls are cutting down all the trees in the forests everywhere.They say that they are building a magical monster that is invulnerable. I came here to suggest that our kingdoms should do something about it."

"We are already on it." said the dwarf king, bowing. "Would you like to render your assistance to help defeat the trolls?"

"More than willingly," said the dryad bowing. "As the king of the dryads I have a duty to protect trees."

"Well then, I will send you one of my messengers soon once we have made all the preparations to set off to the kingdom of trolls."

The dryad bowed again and was escorted out of the throne room. Arthur, Jerry and George showed some dwarf generals of the tunnel they had found. As they walked into it and went along it, they came to a part where the walls had caved in to the passage of the secret tunnel.

"We need to start working on putting this passage in order," said one of the dwarves looking at the rubble. Then he went back and came with some dwarves who were carrying pickaxes and hammers and even pushing wheelbarrows.

Arthur left to have his breakfast. It was toast bread, chocolate cake, croissants and pasties. After his breakfast he went towards the place where they had found the secret passage and met with some dwarves running for their lives in the opposite direction.

Arthur Brown & The Silver ShamrockWhere stories live. Discover now