When Neville finished his letter he tied it to Hedwig using the small leather tie, 'That's for my grandmother Hedwig. I'll save you some bacon in the morning.'

Hedwig hooted happily making Harry laugh, 'You've made a friend for life Neville. She will do almost anything for bacon,' Harry carried Hedwig to the window, 'Safe flight girl,' he waited until she was out of sight before he left the dorm room with Neville, again ignoring Ron and Hermione.

'He's never going to forgive us,' Hermione sighed.

'I know it's my fault, but I really thought he entered.'

'Then you don't know him like you thought. You know Harry hates attention and it's not like he needs the money so why would he enter?'

'I know, I know. Ginny won't stop hexing me. She thinks I screwed up her chance with Harry.'

'I don't think she had a chance Ron. Harry told me just before we returned to Hogwarts that he could never look at a girl with red hair. When I asked why he said it would make him think of the sister he might have had if things were different. I sort of understand what he meant. If the Potters lived then they probably would have had more children, maybe a girl Ginny's age or a bit younger. Lily Potter had red hair, even if it was darker than yours. We've heard Harry say he wants a family of his own. He doesn't think of those Dursley's as family, not that I blame him.'

'Do you think he made me see spiders?'

'At first I did, but these pranks have been done on Harry as well. I don't believe it's him, not after he turned into an eagle. I wish whoever did it will stop the portraits, statues and armour. I'm sick of always having to cast the bubble head charm. But the smell gets into our clothes and it lingers.'

'Whoever it is has been making a bad impression on the visiting students. I heard a couple of Krum's mates talking about how they will be glad to get home and away from here. I like what happened to Snape and Malfoy, but yeah, the smell is the worst. We should get down to dinner.'

The pranks never stopped even though the tournament was cancelled. But one thing Harry was happy about, it seems Madam Bones is investigating what Harry said about Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. All Sirius needs is for someone to question him using the truth potion.

Even though the tournament was cancelled, the Yule ball was still going ahead. This time instead of just fourth years and up could go, all students could attend. The first, second and third years had curfew at eleven, the rest could stay until one in the morning.

Ginny had worked up the courage to ask Harry to the ball, he told her to piss off and go back to her backstabbing brother. He made sure to glare at her before turning and walking away. Harry was asked by many girls, those were the same girls who thought he entered the tournament and was dark because he was a parselmouth. Some of those girls were also the ones that bullied others. They still had pimples that spelled out the word bully.

The day of the Hogsmeade weekend arrived. Harry had the house elves take a heap of food to the cave just north of Hogsmeade, for Sirius. He decided he wanted to stay close to Harry in case he needed to help his godson. Until the people at the ministry were willing to listen, he had to remain in hiding. But Sirius wanted to know about the tournament. Even though he hadn't told Neville about Sirius, he was going to, on the way to the cave.

As Neville and Harry headed out of the castle ready to walk down to Hogsmeade, they noticed that Ron, Ginny and Hermione wasn't far behind them. Neville whispered that he believed they were trying to get back in Harry's good books and were listening to what they were talking about in the hope it might help them.

Harry replied in a normal voice that you can forgive, but if things keep happening from the same people then you have to say enough is enough and Harry had said enough.

They kept getting followed until they sat in the Three Broomsticks having a butterbeer. Harry and Neville hurried outside and the cloak was placed over them straight away. Hermione, Ron and Ginny hurried after them but couldn't see them so they had to just wander around hoping to find Harry. But the two boys were already walking to the outskirts of Hogsmeade.

When they got far enough away from the town, Harry removed the cloak then nervously began to tell Neville about his godfather and how he was innocent. He went on to explain about what took place in the shrieking shack. What surprised Harry was that Neville said he believed him. Harry grinned then grabbed Neville's arm and pulled him up the hill to the cave.

'Sirius,' Harry ran to his godfather who hugged him, 'This is Neville, he believes you're innocent.'

'Hello Neville, thank you.'

'You're welcome sir. But I do have a question.'

'Shoot,' Sirius said but saw Neville's confused look, 'Sorry, muggle saying, it means go ahead. Lily like to use muggle sayings all the time.'

'Well, why did you slash the fat lady?'

'To get in, and I knew all of you were down in the great hall so I had a good chance at getting Wormtail. The next time I went to Ron's bed hoping to get the rat but Ron saw me and screamed. I thought Ron and Hermione would be here with you Harry.'

'We're done, I've had it with them either calling me a liar or going behind my back about things. Ron told me to piss on and refused to believe I didn't enter. We've had a lot of fights and arguments, and usually it's me that talks to him first. I said enough.'

'It's your choice but I agree with you. Anyone, friend or family can do you wrong, you have to say when it's time to tell them no more. I put up with my family only because I had no choice. When I turned sixteen I left.'

'Where did you go?'

'Your dad's place, your grandparents were great people, made me part of the family. So the tournament, what is going on? I haven't been able to get hold of a Paper.'

'Cancelled since me and the other three were turned into animals that lasted a week. But there has been big pranks going on since the goblet of fire selected the names.'

'The funniest is Snape,' Neville chucked.

'Oh tell me how Snivellius is being pranked.'

'Every time he sits at the staff table, his clothes disappear and he ends up in a corset. Different colours every time. He finally stopped coming to the great hall and he hasn't been teaching. But the portraits moon everyone, the statues and armour are farting and it stinks. Draco Malfoy was turned into a peacock then a ferret, some of his mates are rats. Some bullies had the word bully across their face made up of pimples. It's still there and nothing will get rid of it.'

'Snape, corset, please tell me someone got a picture?' Sirius laughed.

Harry pulled out a picture from his pocket and held it up for Sirius to see. He ended up howling with laughter as he fell to the floor. Harry and Neville began to laugh at the way Sirius reacted. While Sirius was laughing, Harry went to Buckbeak, he bowed the hippogriff bowed back. Harry then approached and gave him a pat. Neville nervously bowed, Buckbeak instantly bowed to Neville so he also gave the hippogriff a pat.

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