Chapter 28

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Sebastian's pov

Ava went limp in my arms almost making me drop her. With Poppy's help I moved her on to my back so I could carry her better.

"Did... did you just bewitch her to sleep?" Poppy asked concerned.

"I Can wake her up once she get medical help." Marc assured us. "We are going to saint Mungo's, everyone hold on."

Hesitantly poppy and I touch his arm as we aparate away and appear in the lobby of the hospital.

The lady at the front desk stands as we appear in front of her. "Excuse me! No aparating into the hospital!"

"I work for the ministry, this young girl has had crucio used on her multiple times."

"Are you aware how many?" She nurse asked as she pressed a button making a bell ring in another room. Soon a team of doctors pushing a gurney rushed out and towards us.

"No, she's very hard headed I had to use bewitched sleep on her." Marc swished his wand again and Ava began to stir a bit on my back.

"Sebastian..." she murmured softly in my ear.

I fought down the goosebumps know it was not appropriate right now. But, Merlin's beard, even waking up her voice sounded like honey.

"Yes, love?"

"Where are we?"

The doctors put the gurney next to me and Marc and I laid her down softly. "We are just going to let the doctors look at you, yeah?"

She kept her eyes shut and nodded, "I wonder if they'll put me next to Anne.." she mumbled half asleep and still in a lot of pain.

"What are you talking about? How would they put you next to Anne?" As far as I knew Anne passed away years ago.

Ava held up four fingers before they rolled her off leaving me dumbfounded.

As Poppy and I stood there watching after Ava, Marc cleared his throat and ran his fingers through his hair. "Alright. You two, back to school."

"Actually, I'll wait here." Poppy nodded to herself before sitting at one of the nearby chairs.

"Uh.. I don't think I can let you do that." Marc sounded unsure.

"In fact," Poppy began to say, ignoring him, "you should get Ominis. He's probably a mess right now."

Marc threw his hands up in defeat. "Sallow, are you going to listen to an authority figure or are you staying too?"

"I'll be right back." I mumbled ignoring him as well and going for the elevators.

I got in and pressed the four button before the house elf that was in there could even ask. I felt like my palms were super sweaty suddenly. Had Anne really been here? Had she been here the whole time?

The elevator dinged on the fourth floor and I couldn't get out fast enough. I walked through the only door and started walking down the lines of white beds.

Then, Behind a curtain with her bed next to the Window  Anne sat with her back propped up against some pillows.

She was reading a book when she looked up and her eyes got wide. And guilty. She slammed her book shut and gasped.

I didn't want to be loud and scare other patients so my voice kind of came out in a loud whisper, "You were here the whole time?!"

"My you've grown." she gushed over me.

"I thought you were dead." whispered back.

She laughed at my tone. She looked a lot thinner than the last time I saw her. Her face was a lot more hallow as well. "How on earth did you find out I was here?" She asked.

"Ava got hurt,"

"Again? Isn't the triwizard thing over?"

"How do you know about that?" My voice started to get loud again.

She waved me down to sit on the foot of her bed. "I have my ways, Ava only knew I was here because I told her. But I also told her not to tell you."

"How long has Ava known?"

"Maybe only a few months. How did she get hurt?"

"Rookwood. He isn't dead like Ava thought."

Anne nodded, "he's the one who cursed me, right?"

"You knew that too?"

She nodded again and the gave me a sad look, "I'm sorry about Ava, she'll be alright though. That girl is strong, she always gets back up."

"I watched her use Crucio earlier."

"Maybe she's hanging around you too much." Anne joked. I rolled my eyes.

"Who else knows you are here?"  She smirked at me, "Ominis, huh?"

She chuckled. "He's the one who convinced me to check myself in here." She saw me look angry, "don't be mean to him over this. He's a good friend."

"I know, I think he knows Ava's brother is an auror."

Anne blinked at me silently, "please catch me up."

I smiled and scooted closer to her, "of course."


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