Sheldon and Paige in S5Ep17

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Authors Note: Forgive me for lack of updates lately, I've been rather busy and now I have Covid. So not feeling the best. I'll do my best to make this chapter good. And then I'll get around to doing a commenter's requested episode. Thanks for understanding.

Sheldon opened the door to see Paige standing there.
"You didn't stay for the Q & A." Paige looked at him.
"Well I had no Q's and therefore needed no A's" Sheldon said as if it were obvious.
"Well, I thought maybe we could just hang out?" Paige suggested with a smile.
"Why would we do that?" Sheldon asked, perplexed.
"Well, because we are friends."
"Are we? One time you punched me in the face. I didn't think you still wanted to be friends after that." The young genius stated.
"You did kind of have that coming..." Paige chuckled.
"I did didn't I? I'm sorry about that by the way."
"It's okay," Paige shook her head and rolled her eyes. "It's what friends do." She smiled. "So can I come in?"
"Why aren't you spending the afternoon with your colleges?" Sheldon asked.
"Well, Professor Pattison took the team out for drinks. That kind of leaves me on my own." She told him.
"Fine come in." Sheldon said with an eye roll.
"You got a roommate?" Paige asked as she walked in and Sheldon closed the door.
"No it's a single."
"I have a chaperone; Mona. She's like; 30. It's the worst."
"Why do you need a chaperone?"
"Maybe they think I'm like some kind of trouble maker." Paige grinned.
"As the owner of the face you punched, they might be right," Sheldon grinned. Paige smiled back. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door.
"Hey Homie... oh. Sorry I didn't know you had company."
"Oh! This is Paige. Paige this is Darren, he lives next door."
"Hi," Paige grinned. And then Darren invited them to play Mario Kart. After a while of playing and talking Paige looked sad and decided to leave. Sheldon didn't notice and just said bye.
"Aren't you going to go after her, she looked sad. Maybe she wanted to hang out with just you." Darren gave Sheldon a look.
"Uh oh." Sheldon raced out of the room but Paige was gone. A few days later, Sheldon found Paige sitting outside his dorm room.
"Oh you again." Sheldon said, surprised.
"Well, hello to you too." She looked at him.
"I thought you were going back to Austin." Sheldon said.
"Uh... I'm not going back. I'm gonna drop out." Sheldon looked concerned suddenly.
"What?! Where will you go?" He asked.
"I was thinking of here, in your dorm."
"Here?!" Sheldon was shocked.
"Well I mean just for a couple days. Until I work up the courage to tell my mom."
"Hmm... I don't know..." Sheldon seemed unsure.
"Please. I don't have anywhere else to go and as embarrassing as it is, you're the only one who can help me right now."
"Okay..." Sheldon agreed.
"Thanks," Paige smiled.
"It's the least I can do, I let you walk out the other day.".
That evening, Sheldon walked into Missy's room and told her he was making a care package for Paige and why. Missy could tell that Sheldon was having trouble with this. He told her he promised Paige he wouldn't tell their mom. Missy then did the responsible thing and went and told their mom. She didn't promise. She told her mum that she's worried about Paige, she didn't exactly specify the details. Mary put the twins in the car and drove to Sheldon's Dorm. When they got there Paige was gone and there was a note. 
Sheldon. Thank you for letting me stay here but I have to go. I'm happy you're doing well, but I need to find that for myself somewhere. I hope I can. Your friend. Paige. Hugs and kisses. Sorry about the punch.
Tears came to Missy's eyes as she watched as Sheldon scrunched up the note and threw it across the room.
"I should have been a better friend!" He put his fingers on the bridge of his nose.
"Come here." Mary said as she pulled him into a hug. Missy also hugged him.
Adult Sheldon's Voiceover: After a few frantic nights of panicking. We heard that Paige showed up at her moms house.

Authors Note: thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed. I've just finished this episode and therefore I'll write more as I get to more episodes. I hope it was good.

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