Chapter 2: Nicknames

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"Hey Kagiura- uh that's kinda a mouthful, can I call you Kagi instead?" Hirano said softly

"Uhm y-yeah.." Kagiura replied with a strange feeling rushing through him.

What is this? Why is my heart racing so much?? It was just a nickname. He looks scary but he's really well mannered..

His bleached hair and icy eyes seem scary- but he doesn't act it at all. Matter of fact he's kinda pretty,

"Wait so Hirano if we're going to do this we're going to need—

"A plan?

"No! Code names! Cool ones!!"

Hirano's laugh filled the air as he continued to smile,"What are you talking about silly?"

Again. What is this? It feels like my heart is about to hop out of my chest..

"Hey Hirano-san I hope you don't mind me asking but how old are you?"

"I'm 22 about to be 23-"

"Really when's you birthday?!"

"Agust 1st, what about you Kagi?"

"I'm 21 and my birthday is on Christmas Day!"

"Really, Christmas Day?"

Kagiura nodded with a small smile.

"That's kinda cool. I think I've hear that people with that birthday are really kind-natured. Seems to be true Kagiura,"

"Aw come on Hirano, call me Kagi!" Kagiura pouted with a goofy grin

"Alright alright," Hirano continued as he whispered into the others ear,

The blond ruffled the others soft dark brown hair.

'So soft and fluffy..'

Kagiura quickly jolted away. The boy quickly faced the window and shifted his glance the other way. His face becoming a shade of scarlet red.

"Erh sorry I'm not good with this stuff. I shoulda asked my bad Kagi." Hirano said confused as he stared at the other

Not good with this stuff? He seems like he handles everything extremely well. He seems so calm and collected, maybe a bit cold as well. But the expression when he ruffled my was really really nice..he's so cute.

Really cute..

God what am I doing? I cant think this , he's a guy. And my colleague. But something about him is different than anyone I've ever known.

He's even different than her.
Why's he so different?
I've never really felt like this.
Not even with my old girlfriend.
How strange.
I'm not sure that I entirely hate this feeling though.. it's kind of..sweet.

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