Chapter 8: Luminescent

Start from the beginning

[ Shut up.. please.. remove this fire.. I can't.. take it anymore! ]

[ Oh sure, I'll end your misery right here right now ]

I continue screaming, agonizing over the pain. My left eye can't see anything but flame even if it's closed it's still bright and constantly slowly tearing my eyeball off

[ I can't.. take it.. anymore.. ]

[ I'll give you an instant death, Chiaro, it's been an honor to fight against you ]

He raises both of his swords and wields them downward at the same tim-

But before that, in the pits of hell, my left eye is seeing, the symbol "X" with "—" slashing through it appears in my left eye

[ Dark Attribute: ]

[ Huh? Whose voice is that? ]

— Tyson Firelight POV —

Just when I am about to end the misery of Chiaro

[ Winged Abyss: EXI ]

A black tentacle-like object blocks my sword-

And when I look at Chiaro..

[ What's that..!? ]

There are six of them attached to his back like a pair of wings. They're moving as if they're alive, and when I try to attack him, one of those black objects will block my sword

And for some reason, I can't slash through it

[ He's still agonizing with his burning left eye and shaking uncontrollably.. and yet, what's this? ]

I try to deliver the last blow countless times, but

My sword just won't reach him

With those black objects

He feels unreachable..

— Chiaro Crepuscule POV —

[ Now now, Chiaro-kun, wanna know something? ]

My surroundings change into that world split between white and black again. I couldn't see where the entity is as I am lying down screaming and covering my left eye with both of my hands

[ Oh my, it hurts, isn't it? ]

[ What's the.. good of saying.. that!? ]

[ Now that you've experienced how painful it is, I'm pretty sure you'll do anything to stop it, right? ]

I stop screaming-

[ Kill Tyson, in that way, the fire caused by his attribute will vanish and your left eye will be healthy again! I think ]

[ How am I supposed to do- ]

[ You'll do whatever it takes, right? ]

My surroundings turn back, and as soon as I became aware of it, I distance myself from Tyson by teleporting-

[ Where did those black-objects go? ]

I slowly stand up and face him

[ Well, now that those black annoyances are gone, he's mine now ]

Even if the pain is unbearable, even if it feels like there's a needle pierced in my eyes

For just at least a few seconds, I begged my body to ignore it

[ Light Attribute: Sword ]

I can already hear Tyson's approaching footsteps. I open my right eye, and my four-pointed star pupil starts glowing while my left eye remain closed.

After seeing my right eye, he stops for a moment, and that's when-

[ Light Sword Attribute: ]

My position suddenly glows before I disappear from his vision, and-

— Tyson Firelight POV —

After his position glows a four-pointed star, he vanishes in front of me as if he's never there in the first place

But little did I know, when I look at my upper right side, he's there, about to wield his sword, staring at me with his right eye open and glowing while his left eye is closed and burning. His eyes give off a vibe that he wants me dead no matter what.

And when I'm about to attack him with my swords.. I notice my lower left side.. he's there as well-

[ Huh? ]

But when I look back to the right, he's still up there on the same position-

And behind me, I can feel his stare piercing me. I know for a fact that he's there even if I don't look, that's when I realized-

[ How can someone.. ]

That I am surrounded-

[ Be at three places.. ]

By him

[ At the same time ]

— Chiaro Crepuscule POV —

[ Luminescent ]

I don't know why and I don't know how I can do something like this. But I know that I am so fast that when I circled around him, it leaves two visible afterimages of me-

There's nothing in my mind right now but to kill him, and yet-

When am about to deliver the final blow to his defenseless body

My sword, my consciousness

Is slowly fading

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