The cold harsh truth

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After the two had a good night's sleep, Magolor healed himself and Susie up as they headed out to the next dimension, it was so cold that everything around them was frozen, he could survive decently in the cold weather but Susie couldn't. Even with his cape she just shivered too much and just stayed in one place, the first time it happened he didn't even notice she was gone from his side and had to go look for her through this snowstorm. He tried to think of other things as the magic was draining right at of him due to putting up a warm shield all the time for Susie and using his new power of deadly needles to block enemies from afar, what was on his mind now was how to tell Susie his past but that was no easy feat, back then he wouldn't mind telling her because she was so annoying and seeing her reaction would've been priceless! But now he could only imagine her heart breaking in two, Susie had changed and wouldn't throw insults at him all the time, and when she did it was all out of good fun or just to cheer Magolor up. He caught a glimpse of her making a tiny snowman in her hand, using the wood they had before as tiny arms and the leftover bandages as a scarf, drawing a smiley face on it, she caught his glaze on her and put the snowman near his face.

"Looks pretty cute, doesn't it?" 

She said in a cheerful tone as she petted the snowman and used her glove to make the snowman's stick hand wave at Magolor. He smiled and nodded, she put the snowman on the ground as they both walked away from it.

"Maybe if someone sees the happy snowman they'll be filled with joy as well, something to smile at while in this cold dimension." 

She said softly as she wrapped his cape tightly around herself. Magolor was happy and frustrated at the same time, she was making this so difficult to apologize, whenever he was with her his heart started racing and he felt so anxious all the time. She was even standing right next to him since they were both in his shield, her hair bouncing up and down as they levitated on the snow, Magolor groaned, he could just never find the right words to be honest with Susie, every cute thing she does just added extra guilty weight to him knowing he'll have to crush her happy mood when he becomes sincere with her, but then again...Does she need to hear the truth? It sounds wrong but they probably live in different dimensions and it's not like she's staying with him forever and they'll eventually have to get home so withholding the truth might be the smarter choice...He bonked his hand on his head and sighed, he didn't want to keep secrets from people anymore and the truth will probably come back to bite him when he accidentally brings it up in conversation. He looked to Susie to cheer up his sour mood, but she had disappeared, he looked frantically around him, but he was shocked when he got hit with a snowball at the side of his face, he sharply turned back to see Susie laughing.

"Don't worry, I'm here silly, you don't need to yell my name like a lost puppy, I didn't mean to be rude, but I wanted to bring up a point."

The snow slides off the side of Magolor hood and his eye twitched, waiting for Susie to give a good reason for almost snowballing him right in the face.

"You need to relax, you're mumbling again about Kirby and gaining more power, have fun now, wouldn't the people you're trying to go home to want you to be happy?"

She said in a puzzling tone, she shivered in the snow as she was away from his warm shield, but she tried to hide it as she wanted her question to be answered instead of Magolor brushing it off to care for her. Magolor flinched at the questioned and paused, looking up at the ice crystals, Kirby and his friends would honestly want him to die then come back to their world, the only reason he wanted to go back was to apologize as it was the least he could do, he shrugged and looked down.

"Maybe they want me to be happy or maybe they want me dead! Who knows, I'm not them and I can't read minds."

Magolor said in annoyance and kept moving forward, he knew he could've reworded that whole sentence to make it nicer but thinking of all the punishments they would give to him once he got to their planet scared him. Before his mind could wander off again, she hit him with another snowball but this time he caught it close to his face and crushed it, he stopped in his tracks and looked at her coldly. She stumbled back, she had never seen Magolor so serious before, he was usually cartoonishly mad, but he just looked pissed off, it frightened her, even going backwards  before speaking and looked away from him.

Trapped in dimensions: Magolor's journey to redemptionWhere stories live. Discover now