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Marcy hummed under her breath as she worked. She had two weeks to get this done on top of all of her other work so she was skipping (high school) classes to get the heavy lifting out of the way.

She told Bennett (Abrams; Artie's father) to lie to his own son and say that his van was making a clicking sound and that he'd take it to the shop. "Unfortunately" the shop was backed up and they wouldn't get to it until Christmas.

In reality, Marcy had taken it apart. Whenever she wasn't with Riley and the twins Monday night, she had been busy literally dismantling the large van.

On Tuesday, she replaced anything that needed replacing so that it'd run smoothly and look better then she got to painting. She painted the outside in a fantastical mural to pull together to be four separate scenes from the pair's favorite show to watch together; Adventure Time with Finn & Jake.

The top was painted to match the fabric Brittany had picked out.

On Wednesday, she began slowly but surely reconstructing the vehicle. Since she'd taken it apart, she knew how to put it back together again to work better. But she'd had to do work on making it even bigger so all her plans could work.

On Thursday, she had the bottom completely finished. She put in an extra row of seats so there'd be three (like Travis and Rhonda) and extra (defined) storage space.

On Friday, she put the walls on.

That was a hassle as she wanted all new finishes on it and for them to sparkle. But when she finished, she felt proud of herself.

Saturday morning was devoted to the inside. She put the fabric up to the walls and stapled it in tightly. She drilled in shelves and put in tables.

It was a whole thing.

Saturday afternoon was devoted to rehearsing for the concerts at her music school and church then the evening was devoted to carrying out those rituals.

Their friends came to support them at both events and it went great. The classical music moved their crew but not as much as the worship music at the church.

When they went home for the night, the Fabangeses were impressed with themselves.


Sunday morning was devoted to church then Marcy put in overtime to get this project finished. They had their rituals so she couldn't spend the nights in the garage and in the house with her family. It was literally impossible so she tried to tackle as much as she could Sunday afternoon and evening.

She put in the mini fridge and a snack bin, she put in the jars and containers, she put in the pillows and carpet (she'd put the carpet down when she built the bottom but now had swatches for extra comfort) and she decorated the space with twinkle lights.

She filled the containers with different things (salt and pepper, paper towels, etc). She'd made the shelves reenforced so nothing would tip or spill so that was nice.

She'd added a counter to the left side of the back, which was where the mini fridge was and the snack bin but in front of it, between the second and first rows was a space for a long table (currently out of sight) that Artie could pull up so they could eat meals at a drive-in comfortably.

The deep dark red seats were big and comfy, seating at least four with seatbelts for five. The dashboard was a marbled cherrywood and she made it comfortable for Santana and Brittany or whomever would be riding shotgun.

The big thing that had taken until the next morning to complete was the wall of computers. It was just like a CIA surveillance van but for video games and work.

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