The wiser and more experienced females immediately agreed with Ayla and returned home.

The others, even if they didn't agree, suppressed their envy and the shame of being scolded, defeated by a spoiled cockroach and went away.

But not all were intimidated by the eldest, a little group of females didn't care and thought only of their " revenge".

One of them was Zira, a vicious and cunning panther female who always got what she wanted, often using unconventional means.

If she took fancy of someone, sooner or later he would be hers, even if the male didn't want to. Worst of all, many males died pitifully for the depression and all the abuse that they suffered.

No one had ever been able to prove her guilt in the shady things she 'did', as she had some of her pawns do the dirty work, who she manipulated and when they were no longer needed, she got rid of them.

Due to her actions, she had been given the title "the puppeteer".

The females, even if against their will, left and the square began to empty.

Well, not all the females left...

Yui was still watching the showing off scene full of anger, all while cursing Rosa and her friends.

Rosa. The name of that ugly bitch.
She was always been a menace to her (Yui) , but lately she became even more hateful. If she wasn't there, Yui's life would be better.

Zira heard the continuous cursing of the younger female and evilly smirked internally; perhaps she had just found her new pawn.

The adult approached the young one and began her act.

(Author: in this conversation the two talk so softly that the other people can't listen to it; Z stands for Zira, Y for Yui)

Z:" It's just an indecent behavior to take advantage of our absence to take all the males, don't you think so too?"

Yui nodded while watching the scene in disgust

The older female continued "And you know, I think the Tiger King's cub was the mastermind of the three. That one is very wicked"

Yui's eyes widened at the mention of Rosa, and she grimaced in anger mixed with disgust.

When the adult female saw it, she knew she had hit the bull's-eye

Y:" Yes! How she dared steal the attention of all males!!?!! Just because she's a royal she thinks she can do everything!! What a bitch!!"

Zira was trying to suppress the evil grin blooming on her face.

Z:"Yeah, I think so too. I'm old now, I already have a lot of males and I didn't want any more this season, so nothing changes for me,... but you..., you're young, you need more males.
And look at you, you're a stunning beauty, much more than her, but sadly after this... nobody will notice it"

She faked sadness and concern

Y:"Why that worthless ugly thing always gets in my way?!? IT HAS ALWAYS STOLEN WHAT RIGHTFUL BELONGED TO ME"

The adult gave her a fake sympathetic smile

Z:"Maybe she does all this just because she's jealous of you, she knows you're much better than her, and she hates you for it, that's why she always gets in your way."

The lion female whispered in the ear of Yui

Z:" Look at her. Look how much she's smiling and laughing. She's obviously laughing at you because she won again; for the umpteenth time she stole something that belonged to you;

she managed to steal from you the numerous males that normally would have done all to have even the chance to court you and give you presents; Look, she's mocking you right n-"

The adult female did not have time to finish the sentence that Yui, without thinking twice, bolted forward in the direction of the Tiger princess, fueled with rage, jealousy and contempt.

Zira was left there, but she wasn't offended at all, on the contrary, she was overjoyed by the outcome and couldn't wait for the noise that idiotic dumb thing would make.

'It will be so easy this time' she thought as a slight malevolent smile made its appearance on her face.



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