The police is investigating the bar. Luke, Clary, Jace are there as well when Alec and Eva get there and The Shadowhunters have made themselves invisible, only Luke can see them "What's this sand on the floor?" Alec says noticing a powder and Eva scoops it up, it's like a sand that's a brown dirt colour "This looks like a demon attack." Clary says and Jace shrugs his shoulders not entirely sure "I've never seen a demon cause this kind of hemorrhaging." He says and Alec nods his head as Eva plays with the dirt-sand on the floor as Bob sits beside her and she uses her finger to draw a face and a few butterflies and Luke just stares at her as she does so "Is there any security footage?" Alec asks and Luke sighs and shakes his head "Nothing in the bar. Maybe CCTV caught something outside on the street." Luke says as he looks around and Alec nods his head and looks over towards his parabatai "We should get them back to the Institute." Alec says and Jace and Clary nod as Luke is once again staring down at Eva "Yeah, that's a good idea." He says and a woman walks into the bar and comes up to Luke standing in front of Eva's picture "Detective Garroway? Who are you talking to?" She asks and Luke thinks on his feet before he quickly holds up his phone "Just dictating some notes while they're still fresh. Something you should start doing." He says and the woman moves forward and when she puts her foot down she ruins Eva's drawing and Eva and Bob both gasp as they see her ruin the masterpiece so Eva glares up at the lady and forms a plan "That's a great idea. They didn't mention it in training, but it makes perfect sense. Is there some special app for that?" She asks and Eva sneaks behind her and sits on the floor with her legs out in front of her and Bob looks at her "what are you doing?" He says and Eva smiled "oh me? Nothing just getting revenge for our picture." Eva says shrugging her shoulders as Luke points outside for the woman "Uh... Can you pull the car up? I'll meet you out front." Luke says wanting rid of the woman as fast as possible "Okay." She says and turns to leave but Eva still isn't visible to her so Eva lifts her foot up and the woman trips up over her and almost falls into a table and Eva grins wickedly as the woman exits "Eva! We don't do things like that! No messing with the mundies!" Jace says and Eva scowls "she messed up my dirty sand picture!!" Eva whines and Alec sighs and picks her up from the ground brushing the remaining sand-dirt off of her as he gives jace a look "New partner?" Jace asks not seeing Alaric anywhere and Luke shakes his head "an intern paired with us but she's driving me crazy and Alaric, he says she won't stop asking him random questions." Luke says and all the shadow hunters nod their heads "well we'll get back to the institute and see what we can find out about it and we'll let you know okay?" Alec says to Luke as he takes a small sample of the sand and puts it in a bag and Luke nods his head at him. "And you little miss have to come back to the hunters moon soon because everybody is missing you and it's only been a day, especially Maia and Taito." Luke says to Eva and she nods her head with a smile and Bob smiled at her as well "I will soon." She tells the wolf who nods his head as they all leave.

It was later on and Jace and Clary are walking to the Ops Center and Eva had decided to go to with them as Alec had gone for a shower after helping Eva get a bath and now Eva was in a little pink dress and was carrying Bob in her arms as she followed after her brother "I Just got off the phone with Luke. He made it look like a tragic gas leak." Clary says and both siblings nod their heads "According to the autopsy, the victims died of massive brain hemorrhaging." Jace tells them both and Eva is completely shocked "A demon can do that?" Eva says shocked and Jace nods his head before he shrugs "Well a Greater Demon can." Jace says and the two girls nod their heads "What- what exactly is the difference?" Clary asks and Jace sighs and begins to explain "Lesser Demons are a dime a dozen in New York. Greater Demons, a whole different story. They have names, personalities. They're much more powerful and they're harder to stop." Jace explains and he pulls up a holographic map "They're also incredibly rare. When they do show their face, there's a reason." He says worriedly before there's an awkward silence lingering in the air and Eva decides to break it "do you know ducks are cannibals?" Eva says and both of the older ones look down at her and she shrugs "they are... ducklings over 4 weeks old are more likely to turn to cannibalism because of boredom or it's angry because of overcrowding and not being able to breathe properly." Eva says and Jace looks terrified "Jace, are you okay?" Clary asks and Jace shakes it off before answering her "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" He says and Clary sighs looking at him "Well, you've barely spoken about what happened with the Soul Sword." Clary says and Jace just looks at different images of Greater Demons "Well, there's not much to talk about." He says and Eva just looks between the two of them noticing that something doesn't feel right "Okay. But if you do feel like talking, I'm here for you. I'm your sister, Jace. I know what you're going through." Clary says and it clicks for Eva that Jace hasn't told her about them not being related yet "Like I said, there's nothing to talk about." Jace says as Alec walks up to them, and he picks up Eva kissing her head "hey princess, I'm going to see Magnus if you want to join me?" Alec says and Eva nods her head and Alec turns to Clary and Jace " I'm heading to Magnus's and if I find anything out I'll let you all know." Alec says and Jace nods his head and Alec quickly goes to grab Eva a jacket before they leave to head for Magnus's apartment immediately and Eva is happy being carried by Alec because it means that she doesn't have to walk.

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