Sweet As Honey {Eugene Otinger} MINI BOOK HERE

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Authors Note: Just like last chapter - this is a full book! I will be taking down its separate official book and moving it all here. This is my old writing so it's not the best but here it is. Enjoy.


I've never stepped foot onto Nevermore grounds before today. Attending? Not my idea. My parents were tired of dealing with complaints from the school about my - special - abilities, so they just gave up and sent me here. Neither of them attended, but they have the highest of hopes for me and the time I will spend here.

I throw down my bags onto the hard wooden floor of my new room. Usually I feel I would have a roommate, but the spot is currently vacant. I'm all by myself. It's okay that way, but I would have preferred having someone else to help me out around here. I sigh, plopping down on my bed. I really don't wanna unpack right now. I hear a knock and my head snaps up. Who even knows I'm here? I came half way through the semester... I hop up and quickly open the door, greeted by a boy only slightly taller than myself with a purple beanie on. "Hey! Your the new kid right?" He asks. "Yea, what's up?" I ask having no clue where this is going. "Just wanted to say hi, my rooms right next to yours. We've gotten two new kids this semester and the other one already threatened my death," "Wednesday?" "You've already heard of her? My buddy is down bad for her but I don't think she's worth it... anyways, I'm Ajax." "Y/n," I tell him. "Well I have homework, see you around y/n," he says, waving as he walks away. That was weird but he seems chill I guess. I shut the door and decide unpacking would be best. I get out my first trunk and neatly sort all my clothes into drawers despite the fact it will be a mess in less than a week. It takes nearly thirty minutes due to me organizing them by color. I grab some books and sketch books and begin to shelve them. I'm tired, I'll probably have to finish them tomorrow.

I'm walking to class the day after. I arrive rather quickly to my first class, Plants with Ms. Thornhill. I step in to the greenhouse-like room and look around for a minute. It's beautiful. I go and sit down seeing as almost no one else is here yet, we still have two minutes until the bell. "Y/n!" I hear a familiar voice yell and look back to see Ajax walking over, "Hey Ajax," I respond cheerfully. It's nice to at least know of someone. He sits down next to me and pulls out his phone to check the time. "We still have a minute until class, but you'll love this class Ms. Thornhill is amazing," he tells me. "Yea I'm excited- plants are some of my favorites," I reply. I see someone sit in front of Ajax, and honestly he's adorable. "Who you staring at?" I hear asked to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "What? Staring? No one." I stutter out. "Cmon y/n, it's your first day there's no way you already find someone cute," he teases, lightly hitting my arm "you underestimate me," I say, matter o factly right as the bell rings. "Alright class settle down. To start, does anyone know what this plant is?" The teacher asks. I zone out as two girls both answer, one being Wednesday and the other I deem to be called Bianca. "So you know the kid you were looking at earlier? My friend Xavier is who's next to him, he's great I'll introduce you guys later," he whispers to me as the two girls continue their fight. "Okay are we still talking about flowers?" The kid I now know as Xavier asks as everyone laughs. "Well who was I looking at?" I ask. "You don't know who you were literally staring at?" Ajax asks. "It's my first day, I don't know anyone's name here." I complain. "Oh yea forgot about that- his name is Eugene. I don't know him very well, doesn't seem to have many friends. I think he's in the hummers if you wanna join," he tells me. "What are the hummers?" "A group of bee keepers I think, though he might be the only one right now. Better get there before Enid- I think he has a thing for her." "Um okay- who's Enid?" I ask. "The cutest girl in the school- she's a werewolf, wednesdays roommate, just amazing," he says, staring off. "Oh so you like her?" I ask teasing him just how he teased me earlier. His face brushes pink. "W-what, um, what like?" He stutters nervously. "Aw you do! You should tell her, you would be cute together," I say. "I thought you didn't know who she was? Well I'm assuming she's the girl you've been staring at all hour." I reply, looking right at the blonde werewolf. He just stays blushing and silent. The bell rings quickly after.

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