i flashed your bestie

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"GOOD MORNING DAVIS'" Nicholas and folio yell from the door way.
"we aren't married yet- go away." Noah throws a pillow at the door
I stopped for a moment. Not letting Noah know that I was awake.  "Yet." That word held so much power.

"You can never start to early. get up my bro. We have festivities to attend to." They walk away.
"I guess we are waking up now." Noah sighs.
I open my eyes resting my hand on Noah's face, rubbing his cheek with my thumb.
"Good morning." I smile.
"Morning love bug."
I pull my shirt over my nose.
I laugh as I get out of bed.
"Yes you do."

as we got down stairs it was surprisingly more quiet than yesterday.
"Where is everyone?" I ask looking at Noah and then back at the empty house.
"Probably outside." Noah leads me to where dinner had taken place.
Just mrs. Ruffilo.
"hi momma R. Where did everyone go?" Noah asks.
she smiles and says "they went to sunshine valley. follow them there" with a wink.

We turn to go back inside.
"Where is sunshine valley, Noah?" I ask, more confused than sane.
"Just put on a bathing suit under your clothes. It's gonna be a little cold but trust me." he says
I get ready and we head to where Noah decided to take me.

"Here we are. Sunshine valley." He says getting out of the car to open my door.
"thank you sir" I say I'm a shitty British accent.
"Come on." He grabs my hand leading me down the steep bank
As we got to the clearing, I see the others.
"you wanted to see where I hung out" Noah says lifting his hands up in the air. "This is it."
"finally you two showed up." Nicholas laughs.
"Shut up stupid." Danielle punches him in the side.
"Alright. let's swim." Noah says practically jumping in.
I make myself comfortable on the bank as everyone else goes head first.
"You not coming?" Aliyah asked. I just shook my head in response.
"Come on," Noah urged. I shook my head again.
"Welp looks like we are gonna have to drag her." Folio whispers.
I then watched as Noah, Nicholas and jolly came up onto the bank.
"No. NO- do NOT." I scream as Noah picked me up over his shoulder.
"You're going in."
"What?!" folio exclaims
"I can't swim, okay." I cross my arms looking down like I'd just told the biggest secret of my life.
"Why haven't you told me that?" Noah asked placing his hands on my cheeks. "Get in with me. I won't let you drown or sink"
"Promise?" I look at him as he takes my hands.
"Promise." Noah leads me down to the water.
Claps from the group arose from the water behind us.
I take a gulp of air as the water begins to fill the space around my body.
I take a sharp breath in.
"wrap your arms around my neck like this. Don't choke me though" he chuckles nervously.
"Noah I'm scared." I quiver.
"don't be. I've got you. I'll always have you. I promise." He looks into my eyes.
we swam out to the buoy and then we rested back at shore.
"Hey don't over think it." Nicholas said sitting next to me with a ham sandwich. "I couldn't swim till I was thirteen"
"I'm not I just- it isn't that Nicky." I say to him resting my chin on my knees. I sat for a moment letting my palms rest on the water. "Not married yet-" I started.
"What?" He stops chewing.
"Noah, he said we aren't married.. yet. It's been bothering me all day" I lean back.
"how so?" he raises an eyebrow.
" does he want to marry me? Maybe not. I just... am scared to loose him but also scared to make that commitment" I sigh.
"listen. if it's meant to happen it will. it'll come to you. Now, eat a sandwich before you die." He laughs.
"Thank you Nicky" I smile.
"Nicky- I actually kinda like that" he says handing me Doritos.
"I'm going into the shop later. Wanna come with?" He asks.
"You gonna give me some ink?" I ask.
"Yes.." he chuckles.
"Yeah I'll go.  Let's do it" I giggle.
"Hey girl." Aliyah sits next to me.
"you've been quiet today. Are you okay?" She asks.
I take a second to look around. At the water, then behind me at the boys and Danielle.
"Ya know, everything is actually okay for once. I'm alright. I love it here. In this moment." I softly smile.
"I guess it is pretty great isnt it?" she leans her head on my shoulder.

Careful what you wish forजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें