As I make my way to the lake, my eyes catch sight of Dani sitting against a tree, looking out over the still water. She looks exhausted, and I can tell she's been through a lot. Without hesitation, I walk over to her.

"Hey, I brought you some food," I say softly, holding out the bag of snacks I had grabbed on my way here.

Dani looks up at me, her eyes filled with surprise and exhaustion. "And how the hell did you find me?" she asks, her voice tinged with both curiosity and suspicion.

I can't help but smirk a little at her question. "Well, after I went to check on you this morning and noticed your bed wasn't made, I figured you didn't come home last night," I explain. "So, I asked the gorgeous Weasley twins for this map they have that can locate everyone."

"They have a map that can locate people?" Dani questions, raising an eyebrow in disbelief. She hesitates for a moment, then adds, "Also, I know they wouldn't just willingly give you that map... did you?"

I chuckle. "Oh yeah, they didn't give it to me without a little convincing," I reply, teasingly. "But don't worry, I'll spill all the juicy details after tonight."

Dani eyes me warily, but I can see a hint of curiosity in her tired gaze. She takes the bag of food from me and starts munching on a pumpkin pasty, seemingly lost in thought. I sit down next to her, giving her some space and time to process.

The lake is serene, its surface reflecting the golden hues of the setting sun. The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds create a soothing ambiance. We sit in silence, the weight of Dani's exhaustion noticeable in the air. 

After a while, Dani breaks the silence. "Thanks for finding me," she says softly, her gaze still fixed on the water. "I didn't expect anyone to come looking for me, especially out here."

I reach over and give her shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Of course, Dani. You're not alone in this. I care about you, and I'll always have your back," I reassure her.

She gives me a faint smile, her guard slowly starting to come down. "I appreciate that," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

With a sense of urgency, Dani turns towards me and utters the words, "Draco kissed me last night." My eyes widen in disbelief, and I can feel my heart rate pick up speed as a rush of emotions flood through me.

"What? Draco kissed you?" I repeat, struggling to process the information. The thought of Draco, of all people, kissing Dani is almost too much to bear, especially since Mattheo is his best friend.

"That piece of shit," I mutter angrily under my breath, feeling a wave of anger and frustration wash over me. I turn to face Dani, my mind already made up, "I'm going to beat the shit out of him."

Without waiting for her response, I stand up abruptly. My mind is racing with thoughts of how I am going to confront him and make him pay for his recklessness.

As Dani stands up, looking confused and concerned, I continue, "This is something that I need to handle. It's personal, and I don't want to involve anyone else."

With a steely determination in my eyes, I begin to walk away, my steps purposeful and quick. I can feel my fists clenching tightly as I make my way through the trees and back towards the school, my mind focused solely on the task ahead.

As I near the Slytherin common room, I can hear the sound of laughter and chatter from within. My heart begins to race as I push open the door, my eyes scanning the room for any sign of Draco.

And then I see him, sitting in a corner with Enzo and Theo, a smug look on his face. My anger intensifies as I make my way over to him, my fists clenched tightly by my side.

Shadows of Slytherin Book 1Where stories live. Discover now