Ep2-What have I done

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I woke up from the sun shining on my face I don't know when I went to bed but I was here now. After I looked in the mirror everything was one blur. I looked at the time and saw that school had already started. I don't feel like going, I can't bear to look Shadow in the eye after what happened yesterday.

-1 day earlier-


Sonic had asked me to meet up with him. I would normally say no but my feelings say differently. When I went to the place and there he was standing against the tree in the middle of a lawn. Blossom petals fell around him and the bright light, I felt my heart beat faster, he had a bunch of flowers fast and his eyes closed.

I walked over to him and tapped his shoulder. He flinched and jumped sideways. What struck me was that he put the flowers behind his back as if I couldn't see them at first.

¨Toek you long enough¨

¨ug just get to the point, why did you want to talk¨

I wanted to know what he wanted to say, I started to get impatient.

"I asked you to come here because I wanted to ask you s-something."

Wow, In all the time I knew him he never stutters. Even though he was in a life-or-death situation, he never stuttered.

¨I wanted to ask if you¨

He paused and took a moment to himself before continuing.

¨want to be my boyfriend¨

When he said it he held out the flowers in front of me. He kept his eyes closed. I don't know what came over me but I got angry. Without thinking I punched him in the face. When he looked at me I picked up the flowers and threw them on the floor.

¨Do you think I will ever like someone like you¨

I said when I stomped on them. I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS DOING. I saw the pain in his eyes and quickly ran away before making it worse.

I didn't stop running until I got home, I slammed the door open and hit the wall with my fist. How could I do such a thing. I really hurt him. I spent the rest of the day angry with myself. This was my chance to tell him how I felt about him, this was the moment... and I blew it. Now he would never want to look at me again.

I went to bed with the idea of ​​talking it out at school tomorrow and hopefully, he'll still listen to me.

God, i messed up

Hanahaki disese -Sonadow-Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora