Librarian: Welcome how can I help?

Six: I am hoping if you have maybe a terminal or computer I could use, if not perhaps books on History and culture.

Librarian: Oh, doing research on history and cultures?

Six: Not quite, my memory isn't that great so I often brush up on certain things whenever I can.

Librarian: Okay, there are terminals you can use for 15 minutes at a time so others can use them and the history and culture book section are in the back left corner from here. Will you read them here or check them out.

I will read the here. If I check them out I might forget about them.

Librarian: Okay, enjoy and please be quiet.

Six: Will do.

Six goes over to the terminals and surprised to see the terminals are thin pieces of glass instead of the massive ones he is used to often hacking. He goes to one that is already open n the home screen. To his surprise the keyboard layout is the same as the one's from the wastes making this so much easier.

Six: Okay, let's see "News" as types into the search bar 

As he presses enter a whole load of article and news site appear on the screen. He clicks on one site Called "The Remnant Report" and spends the news fifteen minutes learning current events and all he needs to fit in a bit better.

Six: Okay, so White fang although originally peaceful now terrorists, missing student from Beacon academy, There a main resource known as dust, Atlas are snobs, Planet is Remnant and I'm on Sanus near vale and the dark creatures are Grimm. *ring* Oh, time is up, now for the books.

Six goes to the section was told to and finds books on what he needed. One was the known history of Remnant, The cultures, places and people of Remnant and a book on the Grimm.  As he reads these at a pace most think is inhuman he learnt even more of what he needed. He learnt of the great war as they call it and was internally laughing at not only how paled to most of the wars on Earth read about but also how the defeated side of the war were the only ones allowed to keep their military. that brings him to the continents and it's people on Sanus where he is there are two kingdoms Vacuo and Vale with Vacuo being just a normal description of the Mojave filled with bandits, dangerous creatures a single large city in it with small towns and villages spread about. Vale was described as having a normal climate natural borders and decent defense. The frozen continent of Solitas has the floating city of Atlas which found weird on how it is in the sky and name after the titan Atlas. Mantle he felt sorry for. It's people live in the shadow of snob central and are often exploit by Atlas. Finally Menagerie and it's sole settlement of Kuo Kuana and it faunas population. 

He learnt of Aura the manifestation of one's soul and semblances. He found it funny how reversed this pace is where he is from your body protects the soul and here your soul protects the body like force field but noted how it can shatter and often people are so used to using their aura for combat that when it "shatters" they are immediately fatigued as they become complacent and dependent on it . semblances were interesting as they were a representation of one's character ranging from Super strength to telekinesis

And finally huntsmen and Grimm. Six was intrigued about the Grimm as they are said to sense negativity, are soulless, are the biggest threat to the kingdoms and the varieties of Grimm. That's where the huntsmen come in specially trained  people who hunt Grimm and defend villages and the kingdoms borders in exchange for money. So basically mercs Six mumbled. Equipped with their mecha-shift weapons and dust the main energy source on Remnant that come in a variety of the elements. Safe to say that Six was horrified at such a weapon. The amount of moving part in that is not only a lot of maintenance but every part on any weapon must work perfectly and now add more parts to it and being a single weapon that changes between melee and ranged. If someone were in a fight and their weapon was jammed mid-shift or were disarmed they are dead, they got no secondary or knife on them they're done for. The types of mecha-shift made him actually gag a bit, like seriously? One example was a set of HEADPHONES that turned into a FUCKING MACE!!! (I just made this up because it seems like someone would have a weapon like that in RWBY) John Moses Browning is rolling in his grave he murmurs.

Sighing after reading everything and putting the books back he leaves the library and goes to the bounty board. There were mostly low-level Grimm bounties but there was one bounty on a pack of Ursa that were near but what made it stand out was the fact that it looked like it had been posted a long while ago and that it was labelled S-class as it was a larger than normal horde. He took it and went to the mayors office to say he was taking the bounty and where must he go. He was told to go two kilometers north-east and they would be seen near a cave they made their den.  

Six: Alright, I'll be back but how can I prove that I dd the job?

Mayor: Don't you have a scroll?

Six: No.

Mayor: No worries I keep spares for cases like this. They happen more often than you think. Here you go, you can keep it you'll need it in future.

Six: Thanks, i'm off now

Mayor: Good luck, those Grimm are stubborn to die. 

Six: Sounds a lot like me.  

Chapter end 

A/N:here is another chapter. Also in Info I forgot to mention who stay by Jaune's/Six's side so it was NPR as they knew he was sincere in wanting to actually help and knew he was a good strategist and had yet to endanger them unnecessarily. CFVY, he stood up for Velvet earning their respect and trust. His Siblings knowing the circumstances. Why Ruby didn't stay by his side was her team placing the seed of doubt in her mind and saying that he doesn't care about her and they do. The staff felt insulted at the forgery and lie so hurt ego except Ozpin he knew all along. Also the ship my friend and I decided to go with is drum roll please

Jaune X Winter 

This is on the grounds of age similarity and the others are teens and he's now mid twenties so legality, Winter's cold attitude and Six's warm charisma, with winter being strict and Six laid-back. It'll also be interesting with the whole Pyrrha thing but next chapter will focus on Beacon after his disappearance.       

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