"Taehyung, I'm sorry for the auction but I guess we should try." Namjoon said but with a cold tone, he clearly did not feel sorry and that apology was just formalities.

Taehyung also looked at him with a cold gaze and was not delighted at all with the apology. "That's fine."

Jennie can't stand the tension and she feels bad to not introduce herself because it got right into a cold war already. She looked up and stood up immediately. "Hello, I'm Jennie. I'm Taehyung's friend." She offers a handshake and Namjoon gladly accepts it.

"Hi, I'm Namjoon Kim. uh. . . i think I knew you somewhere. Have you ever been to one of my events or went to MoMA?" Namjoon immediately recognized her.

"Ah, we're in the meeting to buy a landmark and looking for approval from New York landmark associates at that time, around four months ago? The Bell Laboratories Building?" Jennie try to make him remember

"Oh yes! You're from Perkins & Will LLP! The famous architecture agency these past years. Yeah, right. Your boss Jinyong is such a trendsetter, I like him." Namjoon said.

"Ah yes, he's a hardworking man and always makes a breakthrough. Your admiration for a landmark also got me inspired to still preserve the buildings in New York with just a couple of reconstruction." Jennie and Namjoon seem connected with the conversation. Namjoon loves art and Jennie is an architect, they're apparently a match.

Taehyung isn't delighted at all with their bond, he's not jealous but what happened earlier still makes him pissed off Namjoon.

"By the way, Jennie. Would you like to dance with me?" Namjoons suddenly offer her a hand and stand up too. Jennie, a bit startled by his move, turns to her side to look at Taehyung, who is just talking with Jin. She knows Taehyung heard Namjoon.

"Uhm, Taehyung." She hesitantly pokes Taehyung's shoulder and he turns to her. "Hmm?"

"Can I dance with Namjoon?" Taehyung chuckles and brushes her hair again to the back of her ear. He kinda likes doing that to her and apparently it makes her heart beat fast every time he does that.

"Of course, you can. Just wait for me to swoop in, okay?" Taehyung whispered in her ear, making her shivering around her body.

Jennie blinks her eyes a couple times, her brain suddenly stops and her eyes get wider. Taehyung keeps flirting with her with those boxy smiles and his sweet words, she can't lie that it gives her butterflies.

Namjoon led them to the center and immediately led the dance. "So. . . how can you meet Taehyung?"

Jennie chuckles immediately because she's a bit shy to say the truth because everytime she keeps telling people about how they met because Taehyung tried to save her building, it's like too cringe and more likely a romantic movie.

"My building got burned, I guess you'll know the rest." Jennie said. Namjoon chuckled once he heard it. "I'm sorry if my brother is that low to find an opportunity to flirt with you at the lowest point of your life."

Jennie and Namjoon laugh because it kinda makes him look sly. "That's fine, although I'm not accepting his flirting that fast. In fact, I am still second guessing our relationship."

"You're her boyfriend already?", "No, no. I mean he intended to, right? But I still don't find myself liking him that much." Namjoon furrows his eyebrows.

"Why? Is there something you don't like about him?" Jennie shrugged. "I don't know, he kinda moves too forward and too forcing himself to be likable. It makes me uncomfortable but when I met his family now, I started to trust him enough because you guys seem kind."

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