Chapter 4

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Jennie takes her bag and her blazer

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Jennie takes her bag and her blazer. She decided to buy a take out somewhere. She's been sitting on her chair for hours, maybe a little walk can ease her mind and her sore butt.

"I'm going." She says to Suga and Hyoyeon who sit beside and across her. "Can you buy me a drink? Any cold drink. I feel so sleepy but I don't want coffee." Jennie nods at Hyoyeon's request and goes alone to the elevator.

She checks her phone but there's no text or calls. Does he have a building to be extinguished? He said he'll be in her building for investigation. She's not seeing him anywhere.

But, when the door opened, she didn't expect that what she'd been looking for was standing in front of her all along, looking gorgeous in his navy blue firefighter uniform.

He looks down with his hands in his pants pocket, but when the door opens he looks up and arches his eyebrows. He didn't see it coming too for meeting Jennie like this. He thought he'll be waiting on her tonight again like yesterday.

Suddenly, he smiled. "Hey, going down?" Jennie is still a statue and her eyes are still wide open without blinking. Her mouth hangs open a bit, there she goes again with her typical reaction every time she meets Taehyung. Truthfully her heart beat fast, because she wasn't expecting to meet him but she's looking forward to getting a text or a call from him because she just wants to take it slow.

"Oh yeah, sorry." She walks in and looks away from him because she can't show him how nervous she is although he already notices with her first reaction when she just stands in front of the elevator.

The elevator ride seems so awkward because Jennie now looks at Taehyung completely differently now. She's not. . . pissed nor annoyed with his presence, she just feels normal but also looking forward to something, maybe finally talking first. Until, Taehyung breaks the silence.

"Do you want to go to lunch together?" Jennie turned around, hoping she heard it right and clear. "Huh?" Jennie arched her eyebrows.

"Do you want to go to lunch together?" Taehyung speaks again. This is a chance for her to at least find something she feels odd, why Taehyung acts this way around her.

"Oh yeah sure, uhm, okay." Jennie is nervous, she doesn't know why but this is the first time she acts cool or even. . . kind around him. "Do you have something in mind?"

Jennie thinks for a moment, she wants to try a new restaurant full of flowers near her building, her co-worker designed it. It becomes a hotspot for weeks, so she is really curious.

"My co-worker worked on designing a restaurant on Fifth Avenue. It became a hotspot for its flower garden installation. Could you accompany me there?" Jennie asked.

"Sure, sure. I will bring my car with me here." Taehyung presses the button to change their destination from the lobby to the basement, he seems so excited because Jennie finally agrees to something.

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