Chapter 6:Maroon

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Maroon P.O.V.

I was confused,who was Snow. Frost ran away,so I guess he was shy. Shy that he couldn't tell anyone. Not even me or his best friend. I wanted to go and talk with him.After all,I gotta ask him about who's Snow.I noticed that my son was not with me. I panicked after all I'm a single mother. I noticed that Forte was playing with a brown crewmate. I guess they needed to talk to each other.One of the smaller crewmates was looking at me. I guess that blue crewmate was the leader. I can tell that he is the leader of the crew because I'm a leader. I went to Frost Room.When I opened the door,he was just sitting there. His eyes were closed.So I guess he was sleeping. I decided to come back later.

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