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It wasn't just one night, Rylie thought. Aly and her had been mating for the whole month and Lina knew. It was inevitable. They hadn't done something about the mating during the whole battle and war against the were-witches and the heretic witches. So now they really like bunnies in heat, mating.

It was the most amazing nights she ever got to have with Aly.

Aly even forgot that Jesseth was with Lina.

Rylie chuckled when she rememebered what Aly said. "Can Lina keep Jesseth for 3 more months?" She slapped Aly's arms but Aly was just laughing it off. Rylie knew that Aly was just joking. The truth is Aly missed the little critter as much as she missed them.

Jesseth was just happy that Lina got to show her some magic tricks.



Rylie tapped Aly's cheeks, but she wouldn't open her eyes. Her gaze softened, maybe Aly was still tired from their night tryst. She'll just let her sleep for now.

She stood up from the bed and wore the silk white robe on the side of their bed. She then went to the kitchen and prepared a breakfast for the two of them. After doing that, Rylie went to the window and opened it. A cup of hot chocolate in her hands. She looked out of the window and smiled.

She never knew that life could be so normal yet at the same time there was peace here that she never found in the city. She was glad that she followed what her heart wants and ended up discovering the whole world of the supernaturals.

But she wished that Jesseth could be with them. She missed the kid too.

"What are you doing?" Aly opened her left eye and stared at her.

Rylie lifted the cup. "You want some chocolate?"

Aly messed her long hair. It was gorgeously cascading down her naked body and Rylie had to look away blushing. She wasn't still used to Aly displaying her body like this. It makes her want to make love to Aly again and again.

She swallowed hard when Aly wore the black silk robe and walked towards the kitchen in a barefoot.

"I'll go get our food in the kitchen."

Rylie smiled when Aly looked back at her frowning.

"You already made breakfast?" Aly chuckled and smiled. "This are my favorite too."

She waited for Aly to come to her and put down the plates of bacon, eggs and pancake. Aly went back again to the kitchen and took a hot chocolate in a cup. Aly sat down with her and Rylie scooted to let her have some space.

"I missed Jesseth. What did Lina says?" Aly took a sip from her drink and looked out of the window.

Rylie too her phone and glanced at the messages. "There was still nothing. Maybe she was waiting for us to take Jesseth away from her."

She then chuckled. Aly was blushing and she lowered her eyelashes. "Text her that we'll take Jesseth back. I'm more than satisfied with our love making but even if I can't get enough of you. We can't abandon Jesseth. She'll surely miss us."

After saying that it was Rylie's turn to turn into crimson. "I'll surely miss it too."

She made a quick message for Lina to read. Lina we'll take Jesseth back. We'll come to your mansion. Thanks for babysitting her.

Her phone pinged and she shook her head in amusement when she saw Lina's message. No problemo. Your child is making a ruckus around the whole mansion. So I think it's time that you took her. She was driving me nuts!

Rylie's shoulder started shaking as she laughed uncontrollably. Aly sneek a peek on her phone's screen and those eyebrows crunched together. Then Aly shook her head, smiling.

"Typical, Lina. I hope Jesseth didn't gave her a headache. Our child could really be tiresome for others."


Aly stared at her and Rylie returned her gaze. They are a perfect family and maybe someday they'll be able to have another kid.

Those sky-blue eyes softened. "I love you so much, Rylie Scott."

Rylie leaned in and rubbed their noses together. "I love you too, Allysa Field."


"Here! Take her!" Lina gave them Jesseth, who was smiling from ear to ear.

From the moment they stepped inside the mansion's sigil. Lina immediately emerged carrying Jesseth in her arms. There were other kids too who followed Lina and they are still trying to play with Jesseth. The whole mansion is now more cozy and more friendly than the last time they had been here.

The whole place had a make over and it looked like a peaceful coven. There were still sigils in the area but the whole witches are now practicing their magic in the open. The whole place is like a training ground for the witches.

"Alright. I'll take her." Aly grumbled and glared at Lina.

"Mama!" Jesseth's little fingers curled on Rylie's hands when she poke those chubby cheeks.

"Thank you so much, Lina." Rylie turned to face the witch.

Lina bobbed her eyebrows up and down. "I hope you two already consummated your mating. I will not do another babysitting. If you want to mate again, please take Jesseth to the Scott's or to your Alpha. I don't care."

Aly threw her head back laughing and quickly covered Jesseth's ear with what Lina said. And Rylie couldn't help but feel the heat creep up her face. It was information overload.

"D-Don't say that! J-Jesseth is still young." Rylie said.

"W-What's mating, Mama?"

"See I told you!" Rylie slapped Lina's arms but Lina was able to dodge it.

"I'm gonna be busy. I still need to know how to remove the Lobo form in your body Rylie and your little critter was keeping me from doing that for the whole month. But I have some progress. Maybe I could show you some time."

Rylie and Aly looked at each other. "You already have some progress?"

Her eyes became wide. There's still hope that she would be able to become a normal werewolf. No urges to kill! It was a good news that she couldn't imagine happening in a year!

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