Chapter 18: Failure

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The two sides clashed. Steve attacked the aliens around him using his vibranium shields, while T'Challa grabbed his nearby attackers.

"How long, Shuri?" T'Challa asked into his radio.

"I've only just started, brother."

"Maybe you should pick up the pace." He said.

Banner in his Hulkbuster armor leaped at a group of enemies, hitting them with his fists. One group jumped on him, but Hayden killed them with his Laser Screwdriver with a single straight shot that hit them in the head.

Hayden glanced at the open gate that let the aliens in. There were thousands of them.

"Holy shit..." he sighed.

Rhodey hovered in the air and pulled his machine guns and rockets from his arms, trying to keep them at bay, but Cull Obsidian threw his hammer and struck Rhodey from the sky.

More dogs ran. They had caught Black Panther and tossed him aside. Several of them charged Steve and slammed him against a rock.

Bruce started to hit them, but was soon outmatched. Hayden glanced around and became distracted enough to be tackled as well. He escaped from the grip of one of them, but three others jumped up and pulled him back to the ground.

"There's too many!" Banner exclaimed in his armor.

Suddenly, the bifrost slammed into the field, exploding many of the aliens. An electrified axe came out of it, felling many aliens and freeing Steve, T'Challa, Banner and Hayden.

The bifrost deactivated and the axe returned to Thor's hands. Beside him stood Groot and Rocket, ready for battle.

Natasha and Steve smiled at the sight of their old friend. Hayden chuckled as he stood up... that was one hell of an entrance.

Bruce laughed as he retracted his facade.

"You're so screwed now!"

Thor glared at the sight of the Black Order army before him and began to charge.

"Bring me Thanos!"

Groot and Rocket bellowed as they followed the Asgardian. Thor flew through the air and channeled as much light as he could before slamming Stormbreaker into the hundreds of alien dogs.

The battle continued. Cull Obsidian slaughtered several warriors of the border tribe before Hayden intervened and shot the alien in the head.

"You're a fat son of a bitch," Hayden remarked as Obsidian began to stand up.

Other alien dogs rushed towards him. But T'Challa jumped up and struck one of them, releasing a shockwave that sent the horde reeling back.

"This is new..." Hayden groaned.

"With Shuri's compliments." Said T'Challa.

"Let me guess, she tried it on you?" Asked Hayden, who got an answer as T'Challa laughed and patted him on the shoulder.

"Yes, let's go."

The two warriors then fled and continued to fight the enemies. Hayden joined Steve and Thor as they cut down several of the pursuing dogs.

Steve pierced the chest of one enemy soldier with his arm guards and Thor slammed his axe into another. A dog charged and jumped on the god while he was busy, but Hayden took him down with a precise shot once he was close enough to the two heroes.

There was a small pause in the fight, and Thor looked at Hayden.

"Ah, Lord Hayden. I see you've acquired a new look." he said, looking at Hayden's longer hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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