Chapter 17: Preparing for war

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James Rhodes was in the living room, talking to Secretary Ross, who introduced himself through a hologram. Rhodey would have preferred to do something else like relax and watch movies. He was retired, after all.

But Thaddeus had insisted they have a meeting to discuss the situation with Vision as well as what had happened in New York. Rhodes had never been able to catch a break.

"Still no word from Vision?" Ross asked the colonel.

"The satellites lost him somewhere over Edinburgh." He replied.

"Along with five of the world's most wanted criminals." Ross retorted.

Rhodey crossed his arms. Steve, Natasha, Sam, Wanda and Hayden had been on the run for two years and Ross was doing everything he could to find them... to no avail. They'd done well to keep a low profile.

Rhodey was glad his friends hadn't been caught.

"You only know they're criminals because you chose to call them that, don't you, sir?" Rhodey retorted.

"Damn it, Rhodes. You talk more crap than I do." Groaned Ross.

"If it hadn't been for those Accords, Vision would have been here." Retorted the colonel.

Thaddeus rose from his seat and moved closer to Rhodey. The colonel looked straight into Ross's holographic form.

"I remember your signature on these papers, Colonel." He said.

Rhodey nodded.

"It's true..." He said, looking down at his legs, which were supported by Stark-tech suspenders. "And I'm pretty sure I paid for it."

"Do you have any doubts?" Thaddeus asked.

"Not anymore." Rhodey replied.

They heard a mechanical door open, and turned to see who it was. To their surprise, the fugitives Ross was determined to apprehend entered.

Steve and Natasha entered the room, followed by the others. Hayden and Sam were helping Vision with Wanda walking beside them.

"Mr. Secretary." Steve greeted.

"You've got some nerve. I'll give you that." Said the secretary.

"You could use some of it now." Refuted Natasha.

"The world's on fire. And you think all is forgiven?"

"We don't need forgiveness from a racist of people with powers." Hayden retorted, using his Sonic Screwdriver to end the call.

"You have no idea how glad I am you shut him up, Hayden." Rhodey said, smiling at the Time Lord. "Good to see you, Cap."

Steve approached Rhodey and shook his hand.

"You too, Rhodey." He said.

He also hugged Natasha, then looked at the rest of the team.

"Wow! You guys look really bad." Rhodey remarked. "Those must have been some tough years."

"Yeah, well, the TARDIS wasn't exactly five-star." Sam replied, earning a middle finger from Hayden. "But hey, at least it was free, and if we were spotted, we could move instantly."

Suddenly, a familiar face entered the room. Hayden looked ahead and was impressed to see an old friend.

Bruce Banner.

"Uh, I think you all look great." He said, fiddling with his hands in classic Banner fashion and let out a small laugh. "Yeah, I'm back."

Of all of them, Natasha was the most surprised. She'd spent the last two years wondering where he'd gone, and their plan to run away together was still lurking in the back of her mind. She never thought she'd see him again, and now here he stood.

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