A New Start

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"Shit, shit, shit" That my friend is Ahsoka Tano, currently waking up and realizing she is late. Late for her first day back at the academy. The academy she had been at since she was little. But today is not like the other days back, no, today she will start her apprenticeship and will be assigned to a knight. A knight that will supervise her training and help her with her studies. It is quite hard to get accepted into the academy, but because her dad knows the professor that runs it (Professor Yoda )she had been accepted easily.

She is happy to finally get to do much more interesting things than school studies. To finally get some action.

Ahsoka had been assigned to a knight at 16. It varies from person to person when you will get assigned. It's up to Professor Yoda when you're ready to get assigned to a knight.

"Great, first day at my apprenticeship and I am gonna be late" Ahsoka mutters to herself as she gets out of bed and begins to get dressed. She chooses to wear a white button-up shirt with a brown vest, and a pair of black cargo pants. It may not be up to date with the new fashion trend and all that, but she doesn't really care. She loves that vest, and the cargo pants are comfortable and it has pockets. But who doesn't love pockets? They are practical and they look good. In her mind she is a fashion icon, so she doesn't really follow the new trends.

Luckily she had packed all her stuff the day before, so she doesn't need to use time on that too. She just has to focus on getting herself ready.

She walks over to her mirror. She needs to do something with her hair but she doesn't have time to brush it. Truth be told she hates to brush it; it just gets all puffy. So she put her long blonde curly hair, up in a low ponytail. She has tan skin, blue eyes, and long pointy ears. No, she is not human, she is an elf. And yes, there are humans in this world but they are looked down upon. They are servants and slaves but the elf people don't see it as slavery, as they see humans as animals

She really looks like her dad except for her hair, her hair looked identical to her mother's, or that's what her dad had told her. She had never really known her mother; she had died when she was little.

She rushed down to the small bakery under her apartment, with bags hanging on her arms. Almost tripping on the stairs. Which looked really funny to the onlookers that were in the bakery that her dad owns.

"Careful, don't want to break a bone or something before you start" came an all too familiar voice from her dad, who had probably been talking to a customer before Ahsoka had almost thrown herself down the stairs. He handed the customer his bread and said his farewells.

"Me, breaking something, how insulting," Ahsoka says playfully trying to get her footing. She walks over to her dad and hugs him goodbye.

"Hey you haven't eaten breakfast yet," her dad says holding some bread out for her.

" I don't have time to eat, I am already late enough."

" But breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you know," her dad says, staring right into her soul, still holding out some bread for her to take.

"I know" She sighs "You have told me like a thousand times," she says in a low Annoyed tone.

He is still looking right into her soul with bread in his hand. She looks at him then at the bread and back at him again.

"Fine," she sighs and takes the bread from him.

She loves her dad, really she does but he can get a little overprotective when it comes to making sure she eats all the meals of the day 'Don't want to become dizzy and fall to our death do we' he always says to her.

"I really need to go now, bye," Ahsoka says and hugs him goodbye. She turns toward the door and begins to walk out.

"Write to me when you're there" he shouts after her.

"I will," she shouts back at him.

She walks out the door and goes over to her horse and ties her bags to the saddle. She mounts the horse and begins her journey. The journey is 4 hours, maybe 3 if she hurries. But she loses her attention quite quickly and there are a lot of things on the journey that can take her attention away from the task at hand; like glowing flowers or animals. You know what, there is a lot of glowing stuff that can do that. The whole forest glows and she loves stuff that glows.

She is assigned to Anakin Skywalker. He is a legend among the academy. He is one of the greatest warriors you will ever meet. So it is safe to say she is extremely excited to start learning from him and get to know him.

Her ride took 4 hours as expected. She had of course lost focus and had to stop up on more than one occasion to look at the glowing thing she had found. She had even found a little animal and chosen to take him with her, which will be a problem; the academy has strict rules about pets.

She finally got to the academy. There were a lot of people on campus and all of them had already found the knight they had been assigned to, which was not good of course that meant she was late.

Professor Yoda would always hold a speech to the people that had gotten assigned to a knight, and after the speech, you would go and find your new mentor/Master whatever you chose to call it. So if they already are spread out on campus and talking to their mentors that means she was late. The question is just how late she is.

She looks around trying to spot her mentor(Anakin Skywalker). She spots him and walks over to him. He stands beside another man, he has kind of ginger hair or maybe it is blonde. It's debatable and of course, he's stroking his beard.

"Hi," she says as she reaches them." I am your new apprentice. Ahsoka Tano"


Hello! This is L and M

this will properly be one of the few author's notes we make as we don't know what to say.

I'm going to explain how this book works

It's like a one-shoot but you have to read it in the 1 direction as everything that happens can be named in other chapters. there's no overall plot every chapter has its own plot sometimes the plot is 1-3 chapters bc it's too long again. We are following Ahsoka's training.

If you have any suggestions be free to say them and if there are any grammar mistakes don't be afraid to call them out.

We will try to update this once a week and please feel free to go read our other book which also will hopefully be updated once a week.

May the force be with you. L and M Out.

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