Chapter 27

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I knew the moment they aparated me into Azkaban that I wasn't getting out soon.

"Wand please..." I sighed and handed her my wants slowly.

The female auror examined my wand for a moment. "It's Sycamore." I mumbled to her. She gave me a dirty look. "Sorry, I thought you were maybe wondering."

"American humor is not funny to me."

"I wasn't trying to be..funny." I said truthfully.

"You casted the killing curse with this wand about a year.. no," I could finally realize she was somehow reading my wand. "You haven't casted it yet but you.. wait."

"I was temporarily in the future." I swallowed hard, "but I was forced to use that curse about a year ago, yes."

"Why was it used?"

"It was a final act of self defense, ma'am."

The male auror spoke up, "since when is the killing curse an act of self defense."

I sighed, "it's really hard to explain sir,"

"Enlighten us."

"I was quiet literally backed into a wall against something and they were throwing the curse around so freely it accidentally slipped out once." That was a lie. But I wasn't going to tell two people I've never met my trauma.

"Well if you aren't going to tell us the truth will you tell us if you were acting on someone's orders?" The female asked.

"Albus Dumbledore. He should be maybe.. 13 or 14 right now." This sounded so crazy. "I mean he didn't order me to use the killing curse. It honestly was self defense. It wasn't even on a wizard. Can't you see that?"

The female sighed, "I can't."

"I didn't kill Andre... and Giselle was purely self defense. But I didn't use a killing curse." I felt like I was practically begging.

The Aurors looked at each other. "What evidence does my mother have?"

The male opens a folder and flips through it. "For one, you fought with the victims a few weeks before their death. Two, the only witness was Natsai Onai who was unconscious and the victims wands were missing."

"There were at least 10 to 15 other people there. They work for my father. One of the ones that ran away probably grabbed their wands. I wouldn't be surprised if my parents have them."

I could hear a clock ticking somewhere in the room. It made everything feel more like it was timed. If I didn't say the right things I would run out of time and be stuck here forever.

"How about you being present for the mysterious murder of an ex Auror named Solomon Sallow?"

"I was knocked unconscious in the middle of the fight by Solomon Sallow." Yeah, that ain't true. "When I came too Solomon was dead and the Sallow twins were yelling at each other before Anne aparated away with Solomons body."

"You seem to have an answer for everything, don't you?" The male asked.

"You make me sound like I did something, I'm literally answering questions you are giving me."

The male smacked me suddenly across the face. "Don't sass us!" 

I looked down at my shoes quietly. "I just want to finish Hogwarts, and live as normal a life as possible."

The female stopped suddenly, "you used Crucio recently."

I sighed, "I did, my sister and I were trapped. It was the only way to open the door."

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now