Chapter 1: The Outbreak

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Isaiah woke up to his alarm. He groans as he turns it off and gets out of bed. He heads into his bathroom and takes a shower and goes to the bathroom. When he comes out with a toothbrush in his mouth he enters his closet and pulls out some clothes and walks back into the bathroom. He exits the bathroom in the clothes he grabbed earlier and throws his pajamas on his bed before heading downstairs. He sees Spade downstairs drinking a cup of coffee and watching the news. "Morning Spade." "Morning Isaiah." Spade replies as he looks up from the TV and smiles. "Anything interesting on the news?" Spade turns the tv off and heads towards the kitchen. "Nah, just the same old news about weather and the incident in Japan." Spade pulls out some waffles and hands them to Isaiah. Isaiah takes them and puts them in the microwave. "What are we doing today?" Spade refills his cup of coffee and takes another sip before responding. "Well we have to meet up with the other to head to the arcade and I am pretty sure you have to go on a date today." Isaiah facepalms and sighs. "I forgot about that." Spade finishes his coffee and puts his cup in the sink. "You know how Madison gets." Isaiah took his waffles out of the microwave. "Yeah yeah I know. She tied me to a chair last time I missed a date." Spade started washing the dishes as Isaiah finished his breakfast. When Isaiah finished they both grabbed their shoes and left the house.

As Spade and Isaiah walked through the city they got a notification on their phone. "Woah what's this?" Spade replied as he showed Isaiah his screen. Isaiah looked down at Spade's screen and eyes widened. "The president is doing a special broadcast? Why is he doing that?" Isaiah asked as he pulled out his phone. "We should head back home." Spade requested and Isaiah nodded.

They raced back home and turned on the TV. Their screen was taken over by a loading screen. "The broadcast is starting!" Spade called out. Isaiah came running into the room carrying a bottle of sweet tea. "Good morning my fellow citizens. We have a problem. The incident in Japan has begun to spread worldwide. Scientists have informed me that in an estimated 5-7 days the virus will reach America. The virus is a digital virus that is very dangerous to humans. The virus will cause a noise that will cause you to lose control over your body. I wish you all to be safe and get rid of any electronic devices. Phones, TVs, Smart Watches, Tablets, Smart Fridges, etc. Stay safe and no this is not an April Fools prank." The broadcast turned off and Spade and Isaiah looked at each other. "Well what do we do about it?" Spade asks as he looks around the house nervous. "Come on man you can't seriously believe this right?" They heard a knocking on their door and Isaiah went to go get it. He saw CI standing outside. "Hey man, what's up?" "Did you hear the broadcast?" "Of course we did. You don't believe it, do you?" CI didn't respond, he just looked behind him. "Aiden and TJ said they are worried that the president isn't lying. It's also suspicious how now one knows what's wrong with Japan." "Exactly and our president just happens to know the answer." CI sighs and looks at the ground. "Just in case this is real. Meet us at the BloodWood forest at 5:00 Pm. Pack your things and any essentials. No tech. Also bring a watch." Isaiah rolled his eyes and closed his door. "Who was at the door?" Spade called out about to head up the stairs. "It was CI. He said to get ready just in case this thing is real. I doubt we would have to worry. "Should we pack anyways, you know just in case?" Isaiah rolled his eyes at Spade's question and shrugged. "Yeah sure whatever."

For the past 5 days everyone waited carefully for the president's message to come true. When 6 days passed and nothing happened people just assumed it was an april fools prank. Sadly on day 7 that they were proven wrong.

Isaiah and Spade were chilling in the living room. Isaiah was writing a story and Spade was reading a book. Loud screaming was heard from outside. "What the heck was that?!" Spade yells, Isaiah and Spade run outside to see people in panic. CI runs towards them panting carrying a suitcase and backpack. "Guys the broadcast was not a lie. Cover your ears, grab your stuff and let's go." Spade and Isaiah obeyed CI's commands and came outside with their stuff. CI was waiting for them as he loaded a pistol. "Bro really?" Spade asked, watching CI finish loading the pistol.

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