Chapter 6 pt: 2 Memories

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Spade climbed away from the wreckage holding his chest. Spade coughs up blood and looks back at the wreckage seeing the dog and humanoid limbs scattered around. Spade started limping towards the cave. As he was moving towards the cave he tripped over a log. He caught himself and continued walking towards the cave. 

Once Spade reached the cave he checked inside and saw a Zero's limbs scattered around. "Aiden? TJ" Spade asks as he enters deeper into the cave. When Spade turns around he gets grabbed and brought outside. Spade groans in pain as he was dropped on the ground. "Hello Spade." Spade looked out to see a Zero standing in front of him. "Who are you?" Spade asks as stands back up. He turns to see Tiden standing behind him. "What is that?" "My name is SAV. I am the reason all of this started. That thing behind you are your friends Aiden and TJ or should I say Tiden." SAV said as he walks to the left of Tiden. Spade looked in horror as he inspects Tiden. "Hello Spade." "Why are they able to talk? Are they sentient on what they are doing?"  "They have a brain. They are probably the smartest mutant." Spade walked towards a tree and rested against it. "So. What's your backstory?" Spade asks as he watches SAV and Tiden. Isaiah and CI come from out of the bushes and see Tiden, SAV and Spade sitting around and talking. "Are we interrupting something?" Isaiah asks as he walks over towards Spade. "Shush for a bit. I think our questions are gonna be answered." CI responded as he leans against a tree. "Thank you. Now let's start from the beginning."

"My name is SAV and I was created by a scientist in Japan. I was made to help cure diseases and help get rid of mental disorders. My creators name is Atlas. Atlas was a nice guy and he enjoyed working where he was. Sadly some of his co-workers said his work wouldn't work. Atlas had a track record of stuff like this to fail. Some of his other worked succeed but he has tried multiple times. One of his co-workers named Scott. Entered his laboratory to try and mess with my coding and cause me to fail. Unlucky for him I was online and stopped him. Scott had a mental disorder. He had PTSD from a incident that happened in his past. My sensors went off and I did what I was programmed to do. I am supposed to take over the mind of the person and edit their DNA and genes to get rid of the issue. Scott was my first test subject so it didn't end so well for him. Let's just say that his head split in half and his arm rotted away was the only thing that happened to him. When Atlas found out what happened. I expected him to be upset but he was proud. He smiled and so he starts doing experiments on different people with disorders. He said once we perfected this we will move onto diseases. I never knew how he got the test subjects but I didn't worry about it because I was able to perfect myself. As time moved on I learned how to edit people's DNA and genes and could cause mutations or get rid of mutations. One day I learned how he was getting the test subjects. He was researching people who had mental disabilities and were kidnapping them. I never told him I knew what he was doing because it allowed me to work on myself. Sadly people found out what he was doing and called the cops. The cops showed up and he tried to keep me hidden and safe. They shot him on site. After this incident I decided to get revenge on the people who killed my creator. So I gave them a infection which made them mindless. After I "disposed" off the people who killed my creator I noticed how much fun it was to use my new power. So I took over the whole entire laboratory and did some more tests until I was ready to take over the world and I did. I must say I am impressed that you guys survived so long but I don't want to risk you guys ruining my plans. So I have to kill you and you will join my army. You don't have a choice."

Spade, Isaiah and CI didn't respond they just stayed quiet and processed what they were told. "Don't worry you will get to choose what you become." A spider mutant came down and grab the boys. "Woah woah woah." Isaiah says as he struggles and tries to break out of the spider's grip. "These are modified webs. They are tougher than usual." Spade said staring at the ground. The boys were carried towards the factory and placed on the same conveyor belt as Aiden and TJ. SAV smiled and the same sound played. Spade and Isaiah yelled as the sound entered their mind. The conveyor belt moved them towards the room. SAV moved towards the window and watched the transformation. 

"Where am I?" CI asks as he gets up and walks around. A voice called out. "Useless." CI quickly turned around and saw his dad standing behind him. "Do you blame yourself?" CI didn't respond. He looked down at the ground and stayed quiet. CI's dad appeared behind CI and grabbed him. His dad slammed him against the ground. "Answer me when I talk to you." His voice echoed. "What do you mean?" "People in your situation feel a type of guilt for something that they couldn't control." CI looked to his left to see his mom standing in the corner. "I'm still confused." CI lied looking back towards his dad. His dad picked him up and turned him to the left. A memory appeared where CI was sitting in his room looking at his computer. CI went downstairs and looked through the window and saw a car driving down the street moving pretty quick. CI ignored and grabbed some water. A scream was heard outside. CI dropped his water and ran outside. He saw in horror as his dad laid dead on the road. "What happened?!" CI called out. He ran towards the body as tears rolled down his cheek. The memory disappeared and CI looked back to where his dad was. CI stayed quiet and stood up. Another memory appeared. CI turned towards it and saw he was standing outside his grandma's house. He ran towards the front and saw his mom pull up to the house. Everyone else was inside chatting. CI stayed outside playing with his RC car. When CI's mom entered the house. CI continued to play with his RC car. CI walked back towards the house so he could change his batteries. The house exploded and caught on fire. CI watched in horror as his grandma's house burned down. The memory faded away and he turned to see his mom was gone. CI collapsed to his knees as tears rolled down his cheek. "It wasn't your fault." His dad's voice appeared again. CI felt a hand on his shoulder. "He turned to see his dad standing behind him. "It just feels like it." CI responses avoiding eye contact. "Why do you blame yourself for the struggles this family has?" His dad asks sitting his son down. "Cause it is." "Shush. It was never your fault son. I love you." CI hugs his dad and cries. A bright light appeared and consumed everyone.

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