[1] Kolo: Whispering Too Loud

Start from the beginning

Then Rizval interrupted the stillness. "Also worth noting, I think, is that I've been told to make a hell of a lot more pain medicine vials lately." They scratched harder at the parchment as the ink dried. "Masters say it's for Dakko, but does he really need that much?"

Kolo shrugged. "Seems unlikely."

Several minutes passed before Azvalath returned with Dakko. He looked at Channei. "I asked them both. Ido said he'd shock me if I made him talk about it. Dakko agreed, though."

"Thanks, Dakko." Channei patted the floor next to her. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm cold." He said it immediately, without hesitation or lies.

"Here." Kolo got up and brought him her blanket. "How's this?"

Dakko extended a trembling hand to take the blanket. "Thanks." He sat down between Kolo and Channei, clutching tight to the wool. Even though he was still cold, Kolo couldn't help but note how much better Dakko looked after several weeks with them. He was less emaciated than before, and more mobile thanks to the joint braces Rizval had made him. Even his demeanor seemed to have healed somewhat. It wasn't nearly as easy to startle him or make him cry now.

"Hey kid," Rizval piped up. "How often do you take your pain medicine?"

"Half a vial in the morning and half in the evening," he said. "Why? Did someone else need some?"

"Nah." Rizval squinted at their notes. "Just doing some calculations."

Dakko gave a slow nod. "Hm. All right, then."

Kolo put one hand on the boy's still-quivering arm. "What can you tell us about what happened that night?"

The boy's fingers clenched up and crackled with ice. "I don't know what to say."

"Maybe start with what happened when you ran off from the ceremony," Azvalath pressed. "Why'd you do that?"

Dakko took a deep breath. He looked up and down, then spoke barely louder than a whisper. "I remembered my own second ascension and I couldn't watch anymore. It felt like Haode was attacking me all over again." He brushed cold fingers against his scarred neck. "I couldn't calm down. I figured I would leave so I didn't...bother anyone."

Kolo bit her lip. "I don't think you could've bothered anyone more than I did that night. But go on. What happened next?"

"Haode must have used his future sight to find me. He caught me. And...I was so glad to be caught." Dakko let out a miserable chuckle. "It's funny, really. I was just remembering how badly he hurt me, but when he held me again, I felt so warm. I wanted him to hold me forever." He scratched at his scar, leaving faint red marks on his pale skin. "I would've done anything for him as long as he didn't let me go. It was pathetic."

"Hey kid, I know it's tough to swallow, but you weren't at fault there," Rizval interrupted. "Spiders tie little moths up tight, you know. The silk's sticky even when you can't see it."

Dakko squinted. "Yeah, I guess so."

"So we all saw you run off, then Ido followed you, and then Master Xigon left for seemingly no reason." Lalek twiddled her thumbs. "Whatever your commotion was, it must've alerted him."

"I don't even know how he found us." Dakko's eyes widened again. "It was like he showed up out of thin air. How the hell – ?"

"Were you in a potentially life-threatening situation?" Azvalath asked.

Dakko's head turned. "Huh?"

Kolo shrugged. "Hey Aza, Xigon gets drawn toward situations like that, doesn't he?"

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