𝟖| 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭

Start from the beginning

"Daddy, why can't I come with you?" Y/n questions with curiosity.

Charles smiles softly, pushing a strand of her hair back. "Because it's too dangerous, love. It's better that I know you're away from the fight than in it. You're too young as well."

"Will you tell me a story?" Y/n asks with hopeful eyes.

Charles raises a brow, smile growing a bit. "What kind of story?"

"Something about a princess and a knight." Y/n replies, making him chuckle.

"Alright. Well, once upon a time, there was a princess locked away in a tower with a fire breathing dragon surrounding it. Now, her father was the king and he wanted a big and strong knight to save his daughter. All the knights were strong and brave, and he chose the strongest one. However, the princess' best friend had decided for himself that he'd go out and save her himself because he was in love with her. The boy had gone out on his own with a shield and a sword he had stolen. He was able to find the tower and fight with the dragon. Because of how fast he was, he was able to defeat the dragon." Charles story tells.

The man continued the story, finishing it up within about a minute or so as his daughter listened with a tired smile. When he reached the end, giving the happily ever after with the princess and her best friend, Y/n was slowly closing her eyes, sleep taking over her. Charles stared down at his daughter with a smile, leaning down to press a kiss to her head. As he left her room, he silently prayed that they'd win this fight so she wouldn't have to go through anything else in her small life.

* * *

It had turned bright outside within a few hours that had passed by for the mutants that had all gotten a goodnight's sleep as best as they could before they'd have to wake up. The chirping of the birds were echoing all around early in the morning as the group of mutants and human detective were now wide awake and ready to head out. Civilians in Westchester, New York, were getting themselves ready for the day, adults ready to leave their homes and head to work while others were staying home for the day after the president's announcement the night before.

Half of the group found themselves standing outside of the lab that Hank had been working at for the past couple of days, a piece of paper taped onto the door with the words 'gone to the airbase, bring the crate marked X. Hank' written in black marker in Hank's handwriting. Charles ripped the paper off before opening up the doors, revealing the lab that was now in a mess, glass laying everywhere on the floor while the tables had been flipped over all around, showing it no doubt had happened throughout the night while everyone was asleep.

"What the hell happened here?" Erik wonders loudly, asking the same thing everyone else was thinking.

No one said anything as Charles moved to the end of the room where the crate with a large black 'X' could be seen marked at the top. Y/n left Erik's side as she walked towards her father with everyone else following behind her. The group soon found themselves all standing in front of the crate that Charles had opened, Y/n having to move onto her tiptoes to peak down into the crate. Inside laid all similar suits that Hank had made for himself and the others that they'd be wearing during the fight.

"Hank has been busy." Erik comments.

"Do we really have to wear these?" Alex questions.

Charles sighs. "As none of us mutated to endure extreme g-force or being riddled by bullets, I suggest we suit up."

With that, he slams the lid shut before they were all leaving the Xavier mansion to head to the airbase. It wasn't all that long until they were there and the mutants had all changed into their matching suits, getting the things they needed before they were standing outside of the large jet that sat inside of the garage in the airbase. Y/n was holding her father's hand, wearing her own normal clothes as she stared up at the jet.

"Where's Hank?" Raven speaks up, breaking the silence.

"I'm here." Hank's voice calls out.

Everyone looks to the sound of his voice, confusion coming across their faces when they saw Hank's figure, though it didn't look exactly like him. As he was walking, they all took notice his footsteps sounded very heavier than usual and his arms and head looked more furrier than before.

And when Hank's face was revealed to them, Y/n couldn't stop her eyes from widening at the sight of Hank looking all blue with fur all around his arms, legs and head. His teeth had been replaced with fangs, nails now looking like claws. Charles took notice Hank tried to not look scary, clearly not wanting to scare the six year old.

"It didn't attack the cells. It enhanced them." Hank informs, looking down. "It didn't work."

"Yes, it did, Hank." Raven argues, stepping forward and placing her hand on his cheek. "Don't you see? This is who you were meant to be. This is you. No more hiding."

Erik pats his arm. "You never looked better, man."

Next thing they all knew, Raven was stepping back when Hank had brought his hand up and instantly wrapped his large blue clawed hand around Erik's neck. The older man had immediately put his hands around Hank's wrist as he was lifted off from the ground, Hank ignoring Charles' calls to him as he let out a deep growl.

"Don't mock me!" Hank grunts out.

"Hank, put him down immediately, please." Charles demands, but the young man didn't. "Hank!"

After a couple more seconds, much to their luck, Hank was releasing his hand from Erik's neck, letting the older man collapse to the floor. Erik's face was all red with tears in his eyes and he gently squeezed Y/n's small hand when the six year old had rushed towards him in concern, silently reassuring her that he was okay as he soon got up to his feet.

"I wasn't." Erik croaks out in response.

"Even I got to admit you look pretty badass. I think I got a new name for you. Beast." Alex reveals, receiving a deep growl from Hank.

"You're sure you can fly this thing?" Sean asks as he motions to the jet.

Hank nods. "Of course I can. I designed it."

As others were readying up, Hank hesitantly looked down when he felt a pair of eyes on him. His yellow-like eyes made eye contact with Y/n's e/c ones, hoping he wasn't scaring the little girl with how he looked. He didn't expect the six year old to lunge right at him and wrap her small arms around him, hugging him tightly. Gently, he patted the back of her head. It wasn't long till they were all entering the jet as Charles bid his daughter a goodbye, knowing that there was a detective in the airbase with her that Moira had gotten to watch his little girl.

"Be safe, daddy." Y/n tells him.

Charles smiles gently. "I will, darling. I promise."

The father and daughter were wrapping their arms around each other, the man not wanting to let go at all but knowing he had to, the man reluctantly unwrapped his longer arms from around his daughter. Charles cups her face, pressing a kiss to her head before he was standing up and joining the others in the jet.

And luckily, they would win.

Except Erik and Charles would go against each other in the end, ending with Charles Xavier going paralyzed from the waist down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2023 ⏰

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