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I can't believe I told him. I can't believe he accepted it so easily. I can't believe he doesn't hate me.

I watch him as we walk back into camp, amazed at how quietly he moves, how graceful he is. There's a fierce protector under all that nobility. Human lords often hire others to carry out what must be done. Not my lord. He is lethal and beautiful all at the same time. He is justice.

A happy sigh escapes me, watching his hair glint in the early morning light.

When we arrive again at camp, Jaken has returned. "Milord! Rin! Is everything alright now?"

A-Un look at me questioningly, worriedly. I give them and Jaken a smile, "I think we're okay."

Lord Sesshomaru inclines his head. Then, "Prepare to depart. We leave soon."

"Yes, milord," Jaken and I manage to say in sync.

We deconstruct camp and set out without incident.


It's a good day, all things considered. It feels almost like it used to. The worry of no longer having to pretend or worry about my feelings being discovered has disappeared, leaving me to simply enjoy existing by his side.

At a few points we stop. Lord Sesshomaru tells us to wait. He disappears. A few moments later there's screaming in the distance, drowned out temporarily by the sound of falling trees.

"Hmm, rowdy bunch," Jaken muses, watching as dust from the falling trees drifts towards us. "Or perhaps milord is just in a hurry."

"Perhaps," I agree. I'm not worried about Lord Sesshomaru's opponents being too strong. Other than Inuyasha, I doubt there are many that could stand for even a moment against my lord (and I have my suspicions about him going easy on his little brother, whether he'd admit it or not).

I suppose that is why when he comes back with blood dripping from his arm, I do not immediately realize it's his own.

"So much blood," Jaken gasps. "How many were there that you are so coated?"

"More than expected," Lord Sesshomaru says, voice clipped and annoyed.

"That's not all theirs, is it?" I realize, seeing blood continuing to soak the arm of his garment.

He glances down, as if noticing the wound for the first time, then looks around us. I notice his eyes are moving fast, his jaw clenched.

"They're not all dead yet, are they?" I whisper.

"Some learned to hide their smell and escaped," he admits quietly, anger burning in the depths of his eyes.

"The cowards! The unmitigated gall!" Jaken bellows.

"Quiet, Jaken," our lord demands.

I tiptoe closer to Jaken before leaning down to whisper, "I think they're watching us."

Jaken goes rigid, eyes sweeping the area before very obviously turning to look behind him.

A-Un stand up, sniffing the air; they look confused.

"Get between Jaken and A-Un," Lord Sesshomaru demands.

"Yes, my lord." The words are said as I'm moving to obey.

A-Un curves around me, head and tail making a discouraging barrier behind me, while Jaken stands in front of me, his staff ready to incinerate anyone that comes to close. Beyond him stands our lord, his own blood now beginning to run down his arm.

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