I noticed Brook had stopped moving because bumpy had passed her. Then we all stopped moving when bumpy hit a cup and it started to fall. Brook had gone ahead and tried grabbing it before it made a sound. Twisting and turning then catching it in her arms. We were all watching. When that was over we started to crawl again.

The monorail had pulled around and Kenji almost made a noise but beforehand Brooklyn had put her hand around his mouth now that we were at the top. The people at the top were Kenji and Brooklynn. But of course Jurassic world hates us and the monorail came on saying "Next stop, Ferry Landing!" Toro had turned her head and roared loudly seeing us.

"Run!" Darius shouted, Now we were all on our feet running. I had officially made it to the top with Kenji and Brookylnn. Who were now in the monorail. I had run in with Sammy and Darius now joining at the top. Sammy had stumbled forward while running in. Darius had turned around hearing Ben screams.

He had run back to the side watching Ben and Yaz slowly coming towards the top with Toro behind them. Toro slipped on the stairs as they continued forward. Yaz slowly started to fall back due to her injury.

Darius had watched as Yaz slipped on the steps turning back to face Toro. She slowly started to back away from Toro as she kept trying to grab her. Darius had started to run back down to help Yaz move up. "Please stand clear of the closing doors" The monorail voice stated. With me, Kenji, Brook, and Sammy inside. When the doors started to close Kenji had run in between the doors. His arms were crossed trying to keep the doors open for the others to reach the top.

I had stopped paying attention to what was going on. Sammy had gone to the other side of the door trying to pull it open. On the other door was me and Brook trying to hold that side open. The monorail was yelling at us more.

From when we saw the others the doors finally opened fully again. The people in the middle had come crashing down into a pile. Brook and Sammy had their backs to the door until everyone was inside. Toro had fallen down through the hole made by her weight.

Now we were on the monorail heading to the south docks. "No way. Something bad always happens when we think we're safe. Watch. The doors are gonna open." Kenji had said Sammy started to walk away while Brook continued to look at Kenji. "Then, the trains gonna stop because that's how this works." He finished. "I'm pretty sure we're safe now." Brook said, walking away. "Well, we were until you said that."

We were all looking out different windows of the monorail. "Guys, we did it. We're going home." Darius announced turning around. A smile located on his face. His brown eyes wide. Now everyone else was looking at each other.

A soft smile was on everyone's face now. Sammy was the first to go on a chair excitement. "Whoo-hoo!" Some of the other kids looked at her like she was crazy and she did scare Ben. Darius was the next one to join her "Yeah! Whoo!" Now everyone else but Kenji was happy and excited.

"This calls for celebration." Brook said "I might be able to help with that." Ben said, unzipping his fanny pack that was now covered in dirt. "Stashed a few treats for the road." Ben now had three food bars in his left hand and four in his other then spread them out showing how many there were. Everyone had a smile on their faces after the shocked expressions. Now Ben only had one bar left in his hand.

After one bite of his bars everyone but Ben had a disgusted look on their faces. Some spit it out, others holding their hand over their faces. Then Kenji wiped his tongue off with his hand.

"Ben, someone stole your candy bars and put dirt in em" Sammy said. "They Are carob bars. They pair perfectly with–" Ben replied explaining. "Carob juice." Darius said after reading the label on the juice cantanior Ben had given all of us. "Carob is nature's chocolate. Just as delicious, with none of the sugar or caffeine." Ben informed us.

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