Will: get back! Get back!

One fat fish pirate attacked as Will slashed his belly letting out a lot of fish to spew out and other disgusting things as he backed off then Will got hit in the side of the head knocking him out.

It wasn't long and the rain stopped as four survivors and Will all got lined up and on their knees as if waiting trial and execution. Will heard thumping as he looked to his left and saw a pirate with a right crab peg leg, a crab claw for a left hand and octopus tentacles as a beard. He walked to his Bosun who was named Marcus and he had a hammerhead shark head for a head.

Marcus: five men still alive. The rest have moved on.

The man known as Davy Jones walked a little forward before he kneeled in front of the shaking sailor lightning a pipe.

Jones: do you fear death? Do you fear that dark abyss? All your deeds laid bare. All your sins punished. I can offer you an escape.

Man: don't listen to him!

Jones looked over at who said that and it was a man who was holding a rosary. He grabbed that man by the throat using his claw.

Jones: do you not fear death? <smokes his pipe>

Man: I'll take my chances, sir.

Jones:<let's him go> to the depths.

One of the pirates slits the man's throat and dumps it over the rail and into the water.

Man2: cruel blackguard!

Jones: Life is cruel. Why should the afterlife be any different? I offer you a choice. Join my crew and postpone the judgement. One hundred years before the mast. Will ye serve?

Scared Sailor: I will serve.

Jones: there. <sits up then looks at Will> you are neither dead nor dying. What is your purpose here?

Will:<seeing no other option> Jack Sparrow sent me to settle his debt.

Jones; what is your purpose here?

Will: Jack Sparrow... sent me to settle his debt.

Jones: did he, now? I'm sorely tempted to accept his offer.

From the Pearl, Jack was using a spyglass to see Jones talking to Will but then Jones turned to look where Jack was and when Jack lowered his spyglass, Jones was in front of him. The fish pirates grabbed everyone else as hostages having their swords at their throats.

Jack; oh.

Jones: you have a debt to pay. You've been captain of the Black Pearl for 13 years. That was our agreement.

Jack: technically, I was only Captain for two years, then I was mutinied upon.

Jones: then you were a poor Captain, but a Captain nonetheless. Have you not introduced yourself all these years as Captain Jack Sparrow?

Jack: you have my payment. One soul to serve on your ship. It's over there right now.

Jones: one soul is not equal to another.

Jack: aha! We've established my proposal is sound in principle. Now we're haggling over price.

Jones: price?

Jack: how many souls do you think my soul is worth?

Jones: you have two options: your brother's soul or 100 souls.

Jack: I pick the second option.

Jones: three days.

Jack: you're a Diamond, mate. Send me back the boy. I'll get started right off.

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