Fourteen - Bonnie & Clyde

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"You're not about to make me cut school with you."

To show his disaproval further, Pete grumpily crossed his hands over his chest.

"Come on, it'll be fun," I tried to persuade, pouting my lips at him.

He shook his head, looking away slightly. "Don't give me that face."

I continued on pouting. "What face?"

"That face that always makes me let you get away with just about anything." He glared. "It's how you got me to agree to this whole 3 day rebellion thing."

"I am quite charming, I know." To further prove my point, I winked.

Pete rolled his eyes. "That's not what I'm saying. We shouldn't be going against Leader's rules like this."

"Thought we are rebelling right now?" I smiled. "We'll be like the thai Bonnie and Clyde."

"I don't know who those people are but, what I'm saying is that we shouldn't push it."

"Just this one time, I promise." I hiked the strap of my bag on my left shoulder. "And besides, you're not going to get the full Vegas Theerapanyakul experience until you cut school with him."

Pete huffed as he followed me out of my room. "You know that this whole story was supposed to have a cliche ending?"

I quirked an eyebrow, amused. "Really now?"

"Yeah. It was supposed to end with you becoming good: start paying attention in school, stop cutting classes and become nice to everyone."

I tsked. "Please, cliche things like that only happen in movies."

And at that moment, I felt my chest constrict because if this really was a cliche scenario, Pete would get to stay with me forever but, this was reality and as much as it hurt me to admit, Pete would surely go away soon enough. Very soon. There was this heavy feeling in my chest that I woke up with today. It was like something bad was going to happen any time soon.

I had been trying to push it away as hard as I could but still, it was very present at the back of my mind. Pete would be leaving me soon and I absolutely wasn't ready for it.


"So where are we going?" Pete asked as he walked right through the fence.

I blew a breath, because I'd just jumped over the school's back fence and I didn't quite land easily on my feet like I'd planned. I felt a bit embarrassed especially because Pete was here, and as silly as it sounded, I wanted so badly to impress him for some reason.  

"So, how do you rate my ditching school skills?"

Pete tsked. "This is nothing special. I used to jump over school fences too back when I was still alive."

I was genuinely surprised at that. Pete didn't strike me as one to break any rules. I mean, he'd won a competition for his school, that wasn't something one who cut school would do.

"Really?" I asked, starting to walk away from the fence. He followed in step beside me.

"Of course," he answered, a little too eagerly.

I snorted. "Pete?"


"Did you only do it one time?"

He refused to look at me and I stifled a laugh. "Yes..."

"Don't worry, that still counts as being a rebel."

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