Not Again.

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The morning started as usual, went for a quick exercise with Giselle and then made breakfast for the other girls.

Karina was full of energy when she woke up and invited the girls to our little activity, Winter was too lazy to join but she still wanted to come and watch us do it while Giselle declined the offer cause she was hanging out with Somi for the day.

After we finished eating breakfast, me and the 3 girls went to a stationary shop to buy some utensils. Some fans recognised the girls, requesting for signs and pictures in the process which the girls accepted in a kind manner.

While we were busy wandering in the shop, I felt my head getting a bit dizzy and heavy. I just shook it off and continued with the girls. Maybe I'm just tired from the exercise I had this morning, i thought to myself.

As we were heading to our car, I felt it again and my vision was getting blurry making me stumble while walking. Karina was beside me while Ningning and Winter was ahead of us.

"Jagiya, are you okay? You look unwell" Karina said as she held onto my arms to support me.

"Yeah I'm fine, maybe I'm just tired" I replied to her.

"We should take you to the hospital. The doctor did told us to look out for side effects from the coma" Karina sounded worried.

"No really, I'm fine. Don't worry about me. What about this?" I said as I raised the plastic containing our stuffs for painting.

"Aish okok..... but make sure to tell me if you feel unwell or something" She spoke as I nodded.

Then we got in the car and I drove back to my apartment. Luckily nothing bad happened while I was driving. When we arrived, I keyed in my passcode and welcomed the girls inside. Good thing I cleaned up the place after I left.

"Waaa this place looks nice and comfy" Winter exclaimed.

"It's even bigger than our dorm" Ningning continued beside her.

"Yeah, my parents suggested this place to me. Make yourself at home" I told them so they can feel comfortable.

"That's the room that we'll be using, you guys can go ahead first. I'll order some food and snacks for us" I continued.

Then the girls entered the room while I stayed in the living room. The room was filled with boxes and some of my old stuffs like guitar and photo albums.

After I have finished ordering the food, I joined them in the room to set up the stuffs. I taught them how to use the paint on the canvas properly which they did excellent in it. Winter who was watching on the side even joined cause she got excited watching me do it.

Ningning made a flower which was amazing as she had experience in this before. Winter made a snowman which was cute, while Karina... I think she made a monster creature or something, saying it was cute but we didn't agree with her as we all just laughed and continued the day.

We hung out at the apartment for a few hours, watching some movie while eating some snacks that i ordered just now.
Soon after we went back to the dorm to rest as the day was getting darker. They have a busy week incoming as they have a concert in the coming days.
Finally it was D-day for their concert, everyone was busy preparing for the day. The girls were getting their makeup done in the waiting room while I went to do a final check on the venue. It was a pretty hectic week, they had practice almost everyday but they still made sure to work hard for their fans, not to mention I also worked my ass off having to take care of the girls while handling works that the company gave me.

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